Couverture de PAL_125

Article de revue

Research and studies on Latin America: elements for an assessment

Perspectives d’Amérique latine conference, Paris, May 28, 2024

Pages 111 à 112

In recent years, there have been timid attempts to free Latin American research from the ideological shackles imposed by successive fashions. A return to methodologically rigorous approaches that consider the reality of facts, duly measured and analyzed, seems once again conceivable.
Against this backdrop, the 2024 PAL symposium aims to bring together contributions that will enable us to take stock of what we know and clarify the challenges that lie ahead.
Papers will be organized around different, complementary perspectives:
Regional or country assessments (e.g. Andean and Central America and/or Bolivian studies, Brazilian studies, Mexican studies, etc.).
Assessments of achievements by discipline (history, anthropology, geography, etc.).
Studies based on the origin of the work (research in Latin America (including CEPAL), and research in Great Britain, the United States, Germany, Spain, etc.).The symposium’s broad thematic scope is designed to provide a basis for interdisciplinary and multi-national reflection.
The Paris venue will be announced later.
Proposals for papers should be sent by April 30, 2024, with an abstract to and/or…

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