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Untying the knot: Brexit and administrative disintegration in CFSP and CSDP structures

Pages 18 à 39


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  • List of interviews

    • Interview 1: Senior CSDP official working in the EEAS on secondment from a large member state, Brussels, 5.12.2018. Follow-up via telephone.
    • Interview 2: Civilian CSDP official working in the EEAS on secondment from a large member state, Brussels, 6.12.2018.
    • Interview 3: Senior civilian CSDP official working in the EEAS on secondment from a large member state, Brussels, 6.12.2018.
    • Interview 4: Member state official working on CFSP and CSDP matters from a large member state, Brussels, 5.12.2018.
    • Interview 5: Senior EEAS official, Brussels, 16.5.2018.
    • Interview 6: Member state official working on OSCE matters, Vienna, 15.6.2018.
    • Interview 7: Member state official working on OSCE matters, Vienna, 14.6.2018.
    • Interview 8: Member state official working on OSCE matters, Vienna, 16.2.2018.
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