Couverture de JIE_037

Numéro de revue

Blockchain Technology in Innovation Management

Journal of Innovation Economics & Management
2022/1 N° 37

219 pages


Organizations need to be more flexible, agile, and develop a culture of change to integrate innovation to improve their competitiveness and growth. Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain technology are changing how companies interact with stakeholders. Blockchain technology is a decentralized distributed ledger, which can record the provenance of a digital asset and provide access to large volumes of data inside and outside of an organization. Blockchain supports AI to provide more insight, manage model sharing and data usage, and create a data economy.

This special issue of Innovations / Journal of Innovation Economics & Management aims to explore the potentials and impacts of Blockchain, especially addressing the trust, sharing, and privacy aspects in a business context. Authors highlight implications of this disruptive technology within different sectors of the industry.


Article de revue


The Impacts of Blockchain on Innovation Management: Sectoral Experiments

Article de revue

The Potential Use of Blockchain Technology in Co-creation Ecosystems

Article de revue

How Blockchain Innovation could affect the Audit Profession: A Qualitative Study

Article de revue

Blockchain Technology in the Tourism Industry: New Perspectives in Switzerland

Article de revue

Impacts of Blockchains on International Maritime Trade


Article de revue

Artificial Intelligence, Robots and Unemployment: Evidence from OECD Countries

Article de revue

How Pitch Order Affects Investor Interest

Article de revue

Fostering Innovative Workplace Behaviour through Employee Recognition: The Mediating Role of Helping Behaviour

Trends and comments

Article de revue

H. Kent Baker, Ehsan Nikbakht, Sean Stein Smith (2021), The Emerald Handbook of Blockchain for Business, Bingley, UK, Emerald Publishing Limited, 464 p.

Article de revue

Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Ben Spigel (2020), Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Theory, Practice and Futures, Cheltenham, E. Elgar, 189 p. Alexandra Tsvetkova, Jana Shcumutzler, Rhiannon Pugh (eds) (2020), Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Meet Innovation Systems. Synergies, Policy Lessons and Overlooked Dimensions, New Horizons in Regional Science, Cheltenham, E. Elgar, 258 p.

Article de revue

Hyysalo Sampsa (2021), Citizen Activities in Energy Transition: User Innovation, New Communities, and the Shaping of a Sustainable Future, London, Routledge, 191 p.

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