Couverture de JIE_032

Numéro de revue

Managerial Innovation and Open Innovation Strategies

Journal of Innovation Economics & Management
2020/2 n° 32

234 pages


Article de revue


Managerial Innovation and Management of Open Innovation

Article de revue

Management Innovation and Open Innovation: For and Towards Dialogue

Article de revue

Firm Openness and Managerial Innovation: Rebalancing Deliberate Actions and Institutional Pressures

Article de revue

Intellectual Capital Impact on Open Innovation: The Case of Technology-Based Sectors in Tunisia

Article de revue

The Role of Proximities in the Construction of Managerial Innovation in a Collaborative Context

Article de revue

From Territorialised Innovation to Collaborative Innovation Space: What Are the Issues for Contemporary Organisations?

Article de revue

Managing Open Innovation through Digital Boundary Control: The Case of Multi-Sided Platforms in the Collaborative Economy


Article de revue

Localized Knowledge Flows and Asymmetric Motivations in Open Innovation


Article de revue

Orchestrating Platform Ecosystems: The Interplay of Innovation and Business Development Subsystems

Trends and comments

Article de revue

David Gardiner, Hendrik Reefke (2020), Operations Management for Business Excellence: Building Sustainable Supply Chains, London, Routledge, 452 p.

Article de revue

Responsible Innovation and Social Innovation

René von Schomberg, Jonathan Hankins (2019), International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: A Global Resource, Cheltenham, Northampton, Mass, Edward Elgar, 556 p. Danielle Logue (2019), Theories of Social Innovation, Cheltenham, Northampton, Mass, Edward Elgar, 179 p.

Date de parution 06/05/2020

Mise en ligne 12/05/2020

ISBN 9782807394223

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