Couverture de JIE_025

Numéro de revue

Multi-Scale Innovation

Journal of Innovation Economics & Management
2018/1 n° 25

254 pages


A complete analysis of the drivers of innovation thus implies a multi-scale approach, involving macro and micro economic dimensions. Not only the intrinsic quality of the project, but also the personal traits of the entrepreneur, as well as managerial skills, are central to confronting the risks of the innovation process, and to achieving the road to success, especially in small and medium-sized companies. However, while all of the drivers play a part in the innovation process, they are most often studied separately. A contribution in this issue of Innovations, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management is to assemble the pieces of the puzzle of innovation drivers. The economic objectives and the constraints faced by these different actors vary considerably, and may impact the efficiency of a particular innovation driver. This is the second contribution in this issue, to study this question at various scales of analysis.


Article de revue


Innovation Drivers: A Multi-Scale Approach

Article de revue

Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Conducive to Student Entrepreneurship: New Challenges for Universities

Article de revue

Spatial patterns of PhDs’ internal migration in France, 1970-2000

Article de revue

Patents and Open Innovation: Bad Fences Do Not Make Good Neighbors

Article de revue

Innovation in Rural Japan: Entrepreneurs and Residents Meeting the Challenges of Aging and Shrinking Agricultural Communities

Article de revue

Can Farm Management advice to Small-Scale Farmers Trigger Strategic Thinking to Innovate?

Article de revue

Going Deeper into SMEs’ Innovation Capacity: An Empirical Exploration of Innovation Capacity Factors

Article de revue

Obstacles to management innovation in nonprofit organizations: the case of an international nongovernmental organization

Article de revue

The Inventor’s Perspective on Conditions for Radical Innovations in Freight Transportation: Case Studies from France and Germany

Article de revue

Trends and comments

Is “Free” Innovation “Ordinary” Innovation?, by Didier Lebert
The Factory-Free Economy, by Andrea Filippetti
Beyond Clusters, by Jean-Daniel Houeto

Date de parution : 22/01/2018

Date de mise en ligne : 26/01/2018

ISBN 9782807391888


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