Couverture de REDP_292

Article de revue

Subjective Probabilities of Sanction, Norms, Legitimacy and Everyday Life Crimes in Europe

Pages 143 à 168


  • [1]
    Defined as planned crime that involve cheating or lying that usually occurs in the course of employment.
  • [2]
    Although Robbins and Pettinicchio [2012] also find a link between social activism and homicide rates based on a cross-country analysis of 56 nations, the association is negative and therefore contradicts the work of Messner, Baumer and Rosenfeld.
  • [3]
    Data from Portugal are missing, leaving only 26 countries in our final dataset.

1. Introduction

1 This empirical study examines the drivers of everyday crime in Europe. Although the definition varies between countries and across societies, Felson and Boba [2010] argue that a crime can be defined as an “identifiable behavior that an appreciable number of governments has specifically prohibited and formally punished” (p. 35). In the following, the term “crime” refers to crimes that occur in everyday life. These specific types of crimes are defined by Lopes [2010] as “unfair or unethical practices committed in the marketplace by those who see themselves and are seen as respectable citizens”. Not all of these crimes are strictly illegal, but they reflect behaviors that are morally reprehensible. Karstedt and Farrall [2006] state that they are committed “at the kitchen table, on the settee and from home computers, from desks and call centers, at cash points in supermarkets or in restaurants, and in interactions with builders and other trades people”, i.e. in situations that are part of daily life. Some crimes, which are illegal and explicitly forbidden, can be described as offenses. They include, amongst others, false insurance claims, the purchase of potentially stolen items and traffic offenses.

2 While such offenses are not necessarily serious, in terms of cost and number they are most prevalent (see Karstedt and Farrall [2007]). In France, the 2014 Annual Report published by the Agency to Counter Insurance Fraud estimated the cost of insurance fraud to be 2.5 billion euros, and the number of insurance fraud cases to be four times higher than in 2003. Moreover, everyday crimes tend to be frequent. For instance, according to a survey carried out in France by the CSA Institut for the newspaper Direct Matin in December 2014, about 70 % of French drivers stated that they sometimes exceeded the speed limit, while 68 % admitted that they did not respect the safe distance between two cars or were tired when they took the wheel.

3 The extent of the phenomenon in our societies, and the need for suitable public policy motivated our examination of its determinants. In this empirical study, we consider three potential drivers of everyday crime: the subjective probability of sanction, norm internalization, and the perceived legitimacy of the judicial system. Our aim is to confirm or invalidate the hypothesis that these variables are associated with individual participation in everyday crimes in Europe.

4 The economic analysis of crime states that a rational individual commits a crime if he or she evaluates that the expected costs are lower than the expected benefits. In practice, increasing the perceived probability of sanction is a basic approach in crime-control policies. Here, we consider that legal sanctions are common knowledge (as they are made clear in legislation), and we focus on the role of the subjective probability of sanctions in our econometric analysis. All other things being equal, we expect to observe a negative correlation between the subjective probability of sanction and the propensity to commit a crime.

5 Two other theories of crime are widespread in the literature: norm- and legitimacy-based. The norm-based explanation states that an individual is willing to comply with a given norm if he or she has internalized it (Cooter [2000]). Hence, if a legal rule is aligned with the individual’s behavioral norm, they will obey the law whatever the expected legal sanction. The legitimacy-based explanation states that an individual complies with the law if they perceive the legal institution to be legitimate (see Tyler [1990]).

6 This paper evaluates the extent to which these three, commonly accepted explanations of crime also apply to everyday crime. Can it be simultaneously explained by these three determinants? Are these three drivers of criminal behavior complementary or substitutes? The results can help to decide between two policy strategies: a more repressive, crime-control policy, or a norm or institutional legitimacy-oriented policy for offenses committed by otherwise law-abiding individuals.

7 Our empirical analysis relies on data from the 2010 European Social Survey (Round 5, hereafter ESS5). The survey contains microlevel data on more than 50,000 individuals in twenty-seven countries. The ESS is a scientific, cross-nation survey that has been conducted every two years since 2001. Data is mainly collected via face-to-face interviews that measure attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of the different populations. The ESS5 includes many questions that evaluate respondents’ relations with the police and the courts, in terms of their perceived legitimacy, and subjective probability of sanctions. It also contains data on the internalization of norms regarding the wrongfulness of some everyday crimes, and the declared propensity of individuals to commit those crimes.

8 ESS5 collects declarative data regarding the individual propensity to commit an everyday crime. Specifically, ordinal variables record how often during the past five years an individual has committed the corresponding misdemeanor. Here, we analyze three of these crimes: the purchase of potentially stolen items, false insurance claims, and traffic offenses. This choice was motivated by the different environments and nature of these activities. False insurance claims can be done from home and is a classic problem in microeconomics (the moral hazard problem). The purchase of stolen goods concerns our relations with others. Traffic offenses are a daily occurrence, and the potential benefits of this misdemeanor are minor. Our three dependent variables make it possible to compare whether the three main potential drivers of everyday crimes play a similar role in each of these contexts.

9 Our baseline model is an ordered probit for the number of everyday crimes committed by an individual on the three potential drivers of compliance. We deepen our analysis with a zero-inflation ordered probit model, which offers an insight into the frequency of criminal behavior, conditional on participation. A zero-inflated model is necessary because of the high number of respondents who declared that they had not purchased a stolen item or made a false insurance claim.

10 In both regressions, we control for country fixed effects. Their inclusion makes it possible to take into account the specific effects of the objective quality of the national judicial system, the level of sanctions, and other country-level characteristics that may interact with the individual decision to commit an offense.

11 We also control for sociodemographic characteristics (gender, household income, education, age, employment status) and social capital (involvement in associations, trust in domestic institutions, generalized trust, political activism, and religiosity). This is consistent with the empirical literature on the determinants of traditional crime, which controls for sociodemographic characteristics e.g. unemployment (see Raphael and Winter-Ebmer [2001] for a study in the United States), education (e.g. Buonanno [2006] in Italy), and demographic changes or income inequality (Entorf and Spengler [2000]). Social capital is often included in empirical analyses of crime (see e.g. Buonanno et al. [2009]; Robbins and Pettinicchio [2012]) in the form of variables such as involvement in politics or associations, institutional trust or religiosity. Further details of our dependent and explanatory variables are given in Appendix A.

12 Our study finds that norm internalization is negatively associated with the propensity to commit an everyday crime for our three dependent variables. We also find that the perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions has no significant effect, while ambiguous results are found for the subjective probability of sanction.

13 This article contributes to the literature in several respects. First, it offers a better understanding of the potential drivers of everyday crime in Europe. Despite the large empirical literature on crime, only a few papers have studied everyday crime. The main contributors are Lopes [2010] and Karstedt and Farral [2006, 2007], while a link can be made with Fukukawa [2002] who studies the determinants of ethically questionable behavior.

14 Second, there is a series of papers based on ESS5 data by Jackson et al. [2011, 2013 a, 2013 b]. These empirical articles develop an assessment of the drivers of legal compliance, and examine judicial legitimacy in depth. However, their studies of legal compliance rely mainly on factorial analysis and do not control for other covariates such as sociodemographic factors and social capital. In contrast, our econometric model includes the main drivers of legal compliance and controls for the individual’s socioeconomic background.

15 This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a brief literature review. Section 3 presents the data and the estimation strategy. The results are outlined in section 4. Finally, section 5 closes the paper with a discussion of the results and some concluding remarks.

2. Literature review

2.1. Everyday crime

16 The subject of everyday crime has received little attention in the literature. Karstedt and Farral [2007] highlight how everyday crime differs from other types of crime. Such crimes are committed by what politicians call the “law-abiding majority”. For most people, they are due to a lack of civility and are part of individual experience; moreover, those people who commit them would condemn others who do likewise.

17 Everyday crime indicates the moral state of society: such behaviors can be the consequence of poor economic conditions or, more worryingly, people can feel victimized by organizations or services (see Karstedt and Farral [2006]) creating a situation of “anomie” regarding the law (following Sampson and Bartusch [1998]) leading to increasing cynicism regarding the law and a feeling of distrust.

18 Everyday crime can also be linked to the concept of economic morality. This concept was first defined by Thompson [1971] to explain the transition, in the eighteenth century, from old practices to the new market economy resulting in a fairer society. This concept reflects the resistance that is seen, and which characterizes, everyday crime when the importance of norms and regulations is neglected or not fully understood (Karstedt and Farral [2004]).

19 The desire to circumvent the law is reflected in deviant behavior, which is, notably, explained by the theory of “anomie”. The term was first defined by Emile Durkheim as a situation of social deregulation, absence, confusion or contradiction of social rules. This suggests that some societies are more subject than others to deviant behavior if their social structures function poorly. Merton [1938] suggests that there are certain phases in a social structure when circumstances justify deviant behavior, especially for people who have limited opportunities to reach social goals. In this sense, Karstedt and Farral [2006] depict the market anomie as “distrust, insecurity and cynical attitudes towards legal rules”. These elements increase the propensity to engage in everyday crime, especially when there is perceived inequality in the distribution of market opportunities.

20 In our study, national morals and economic conditions are controlled for by country fixed effects in our econometric model. This narrows the focus to individual characteristics such as the subjective probability of sanctions, norm- and legitimacy-based explanations of crime, and other control variables such as social capital and sociodemographic characteristics.

2.2. The main drivers of criminal behavior

21 Becker’s theory [1968] highlights the rational nature of criminal behavior: offenders compare the costs and the benefits of the illegal activity and decide to engage in it if they estimate that the advantages outweigh the costs. This theory led Becker to offer some recommendations regarding the resources and the type of punishment (fine, prison) that should be used to enforce legislation. Since its development, the theory has been subject to extensive empirical testing. Among others, Lauridsen [2010] investigated whether crime in Poland is governed by economic rationality; the study found a negative correlation between the propensity to commit a crime and the deterrent, confirming the hypothesis.

22 The subjective probability of sanctions raises the issue of the risk sensitivity of criminals. This question was studied by Langlais [2010] in a theoretical paper. He highlighted that “criminals willingly undertake a risky and dangerous activity both for other people and for themselves (although there exists also a risk of being caught and punished) – thus, they are prone to a risk seeking attitude.” Indeed, risk seeking behavior often appears when there is a high probability of gains or a low probability of losses. The effect of the risk of sanctions has been widely studied with respect to one specific everyday crime, namely traffic offenses. For instance, Lev et al. [2008] establish stable traits that characterize risky drivers, notably their extrovert personality and their tendency to emphasize gains rather than losses when they take decisions. Similarly, Michiels and Schneider [1984] studied the profiles of traffic offenders as a function of the type of infraction and found that risk-lovers were more likely to offend. Another important determinant of road traffic offenses seems to lie in the sensitivity to reward compared to punishment. Castella and Perez [2004] found a significant positive relationship between attitudes and behavior, consistent with the thesis that sensation-seeking incites risk and law-breaking (for a literature review see Jonah [1997]). These personality traits may also explain why someone will comply with a behavioral norm. For instance, Friehe and Schildberg-Hörisch [2017] use survey data to show how economic preferences (patience and attitude to risk), personality traits (the Big Five and locus of control), and a criminology self-control scale can complement each other in predicting self-reported norm enforcement behavior.

23 The norm-based explanation of compliance is increasingly used in the theoretical and empirical literature in various fields, such as legal sciences, economics, sociology and psychology (see e.g. Alm [2012]; Lederman [2003]; Tyler [1990]; Wenzel [2005]). Cooter [2000] explains that “a person who internalizes a social norm has a “taste” for obeying the norm.” (p. 7). This taste is reflected in a willingness to conform. In this situation, even if compliance is unobserved or sanctioned by an external observer, the individual is willing to comply even if it is costly (in terms of effort, time or money). This norm-based explanation also states that compliance relies on the alignment of personal norms with the values that are promoted in legislation. Thus, compliance is consistent with the perception that the rule is just. The empirical literature indicates that norm internalization is not independent of individual characteristics. For instance, Douhou et al. [2011] measure perceptions of “small crimes” based on a questionnaire administered to a large, representative sample of the Dutch population. They show that perceived severity varies with respondent characteristics such as gender, age, or education. This highlights the need to introduce individual characteristics into our econometric model to avoid endogeneity problems.

24 Following the seminal work of Tyler [1990], the legitimacy of the judicial system has been studied as an explanation of legal compliance. Thus, we consider the perceived legitimacy of the judicial system as a third driver of compliance. Broadly defined, legitimacy is the right to govern and the recognition by the governed of that right (Jackson et al. [2011]). This legitimacy-based explanation indicates that individuals are willing to comply with the law if it is produced or enforced by a legitimate system, even if the law itself is perceived as “unjust” or if the expected sanctions have little impact (see Jackson et al. [2013 a] and Tyler [1990]). Our study contributes to this literature as it helps us to understand whether these different theories of criminal behavior simultaneously apply to everyday crime.

2.3. Control variables

25 Empirical studies of crime usually control for sociodemographic variables and social capital. Here, we control for five sociodemographic factors (gender, household income, level of education, age, and professional status) and six social capital variables (involvement in an organization, degree of social relations, generalized trust in others, political interest, religiosity, and trust in domestic political institutions).

26 Sociodemographic factors In her study of whether, and under what conditions, feelings of economic hardship trigger everyday crime, Lopes [2010] carries out an empirical, cross-nation analysis based on data from the ESS (Round 2). She finds that a high degree of religiosity reduces the tendency to commit such crimes in eight European countries. On the other hand, being young and male had the opposite effect in all of the considered countries. Education and income level were found to only have a negligible, positive, effect in very few countries. Similarly, Karstedt and Farral [2006] compared surveys covering more than 4,000 individuals in three regions (England and Wales, Western, and Eastern Germany). They found that high-level victims and/or offenders came from what could be called the middle classes: both groups had a higher social status, higher incomes, were better educated and more likely to be employed. This result was consistent with the work of Rebovich et al. [2000] using American data. The latter study aimed to give a comprehensive picture of “what the average American thinks about white collar crime [1]” through a telephone survey of American citizens. They found that among the five, tested, demographic factors (age, sex, social views, education, and race), two were significant predictors of behaviors that could be linked to white collar crime: aging and being female.

27 In the “traditional” crime literature, several authors have studied the effect of sociodemographic factors. For example, Entorf and Spengler [2000] estimate supply-of-offenses functions for aggregated crime and eight crime categories using panel data from the German Laender (states). They find that being young and unemployed increases the probability of committing crime, however the results are ambiguous for general unemployment. In fact, there is no clear consensus regarding the effect of individual characteristics on crime. For example, the relationship between unemployment and crime is unclear. Raphael and Winter-Ebmer [2001] study state-level American panel data covering the period 1971-1997. They consistently find that unemployment increases crime, but only for property crime. For violent crime, the results are mixed (unemployment has a positive effect on robbery and assault, but negative effects on murder and rape). To explain this, Cantor and Land [1985] argue that “any inference about the effect of the unemployment rate has to account for both criminal opportunity and criminal-motivation effects. Neglect of both of these factors has led to finding inconsistent empirical results on this topic, since the total effect of the unemployment rate is the sum of positive motivational and negative opportunity impacts” (p. 329). Furthermore, although the link between education and crime may appear ambiguous, recent studies have found a negative relationship between them. For example, Buonanno and Leonida [2006] carried out an econometric analysis based on panel data for the 20 Italian regions over the period 1980-1995: their empirical results suggest that education (and especially high school graduation) has a significant negative effect on crime rates.

28 Social capital variables Regarding social capital, Putnam [1995] argues that the notion is multi-dimensional and refers to “features of social organization, such as networks, norms, and trust, that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit”. More recently, Akçomak and Weel [2008] studied the link between social capital and crime in the Netherlands. They argue that criminal behavior is related to the behavior of peers or others in the individual’s environment. Consequently, they treat social capital as a latent construct based on the assumption that “social deviance reflects lower levels of social capital”. In their paper, social capital is defined as a function of participation in civic life, altruism, security and trust, and the extent of informal contacts/acquaintances. Exploiting data from several sources (Statistics Netherlands and ESS), the results of their empirical and cross-sectional analysis are consistent with other research: trust, civicness and electoral turnout have a negative effect on crime, while population heterogeneity and single parenthood are positively related. They also find that the higher the level of education the lower the crime rate, and the higher the percentage of young people, the higher the crime rate. Buonanno, Montolio and Vanin [2009] investigate the effects of civic norms and associational networks on crime rates across 103 Italian provinces. They find that both factors have a negative and significant impact on property crime, but the effects are the opposite for other types of crime such as theft and robbery. Messner, Baumer and Rosenfeld [2004] study the link between several dimensions of social capital and homicide rates in 40 American geographic areas. Using SCBS data (a large-scale telephone survey of households in the continental United States), their aggregate-level factor analysis yields 12 dimensions of social capital that are included as explanatory variables: social trust, religious participation, workplace connections, political engagement (voting, attending meetings, interest in politics), political activism (related to behaviors aiming to effect change such as participation in protests or demonstrations), community involvement (participation in clubs, community events, etc.), community social service, community activism (organizations to promote social change), team sports, informal socializing, altruism, and finally volunteering and charity. After controlling for socioeconomic conditions, they find that none of the dimensions has a significant effect on homicide rates, and only two dimensions (social trust and social activism) are significantly related to crime. The former has, as expected, a negative relationship with homicide rates, while the latter has a puzzling positive effect [2].

3. Data and estimation strategy

3.1. Brief overview of the data

Figure 1

Country-level propensity to participate in an everyday crime

Country-level propensity to participate in an everyday crime

Country-level propensity to participate in an everyday crime

Scatter graph of country-level participation in self-reported everyday crime. The graph is constructed from a binarized version of our dependent variables with “0: No crime” and “1: Crime”. Weighted individual observations are applied to compute national averages. Results of an OLS regression of criminal propensity are shown. Coefficients are significant at * 10 %, ** 5 % and *** 1 %. The gray area represents the 95 % confidence interval.

29 Everyday crimes in ESS5 The aim of this study is to evaluate the relevance of three common explanations of everyday crime: the subjective probability of sanction, norm internalization, and the perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions. Our empirical analysis is based on observations from 26 European countries provided by the ESS5. More than 50,000 individuals participated, divided into twenty-seven countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. [3] Data were collected between September 2010 and July 2011. Observations with missing values were deleted leaving a final dataset of 26,109 individuals. The pattern of missing variables is shown in Appendix C., which confirms that our data satisfies the covariate-dependent missing assumption.

30 Our three dependent variables (false insurance claims, purchase of stolen goods and traffic offenses) are measured by three ordinal variables. They correspond to the answer to the following question: “How often have you done each of these things in the last five years? How often have you (...) made an exaggerated or false insurance claim? – bought something you thought might be stolen? – committed a traffic offense like speeding or crossing a red light?”. Disregarding missing values, there are five potential answers, encoded as follows: “0: Never”, “1: Once”, “2: Twice”, “3: Three or four times”, and “4: Five times or more”. Summary statistics for these variables and control variables are shown in Table 4.

31 Figure 1 shows the relation between the propensity to commit these offenses at country level, using binarized variables. Hence, “0.3” means that the propensity to commit the crime is 30 % at the country level. Figure 1 indicates a positive correlation between false insurance claims and the purchase of stolen goods. However, traffic offenses are unrelated a priori to false insurance claims. Surprisingly, we observe a negative correlation between traffic offenses and the purchase of stolen goods. False insurance claims are a relatively rare behavior in our final data set: 97.21 % of respondents declared that they had not exaggerated or made a false insurance claim during the preceding five years. The same holds for purchases of stolen goods: 93.06 % declared not having committed this offense. Finally, traffic offenses are the most common: 52.97 % of respondents declared being guilty.

32 Everyday crime and its traditional determinants We used our dataset to construct measurements of: (1) the individual subjective probability of being caught and sanctioned when committing a crime; (2) the degree of internalization of a norm related to a specific crime, and (3) the perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions. We describe the related ESS5 items in Appendix A. and we give summary statistics in Appendix B.

33 Subj. Probabilityij is the subjective probability of being caught and sanctioned for committing one of the crimes studied. There are three options, measured by the following questions: “tell me how likely it is that you would be caught and punished if you... made an exaggerated or false insurance claim?... bought something you thought might be stolen?... committed a traffic offense like speeding or crossing a red light?” These options were encoded as: “1: Not at all likely”, “2: Not very likely”, “3: Likely” and “4: Very likely”. In our analysis, we binarize this variable by dividing the subjective probability of being caught and sanctioned into high and low levels. “Low probability” is encoded as 0, and corresponds to “Not at all likely” and “Not very likely”. “High probability” is encoded as 1 and corresponds to “Likely” and “Very likely”.

34 Moralityij measures norm internalization. There are three measures, one for each considered crime. Variables relate to the questions: “please tell me how wrong it is to... make an exaggerated or false insurance claim?... buy something you thought might be stolen?... commit a traffic offense like speeding or crossing a red light?” and were originally encoded as follows: “1: Not wrong at all”, “2: A bit wrong”, “3: Wrong” and “4: Seriously wrong”. We also binarized this variable, following the aforementioned methodology.

35 Fourteen variables measure judicial legitimacy. The corresponding questions are described in Appendix A. Together, Cronbach’s alpha is high: 0.81, indicating that a scale built on these questions is statistically reliable. We compute a composite index using factorial analysis. The binary variable Legitimacyij equals 1 if the individual has a composite index higher than the median, and 0 otherwise.

Figure 2

Regression coefficients – probit regressions of everyday crimes on the main variables of interest at the individual level

Regression coefficients – probit regressions of everyday crimes on the main variables of interest at the individual level

Regression coefficients – probit regressions of everyday crimes on the main variables of interest at the individual level

Probit regression coefficients of self-reported everyday crimes on each main variable of interest, including a constant and using Huber-White heteroskedatiscity-consistent standard errors. Nine regressions were performed, each containing only one explanatory variable. The dependent variables are encoded “0: No crime” and “1: Crime”. Coefficients are displayed with a 95 % confidence interval.

36 Figure 2 displays coefficients and 95 % confidence intervals for nine probit regressions on the data at the individual level. Each regression estimates the association between the declared decision to commit an everyday crime and one of the main variables. Dependent and explanatory variables are binary. Thus, to construct Figure 2, each explanatory variable is encoded as follows: “0: Low level” and “1: High level”. For each dependent variable, the following is used: “0: Did not commit the crime” and “1: Committed the crime at least once”. Figure 2 indicates that norm internalization has a negative association with reported crime for the three offenses under study. This is not the case for the subjective probability of sanction and the perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions. There is a negative relationship between the purchase of stolen goods and false insurance claims and the subjective probability of sanction and the perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions. Traffic offenses follow a different pattern as no significant correlation is found with the subjective probability of sanction. On the other hand and, surprisingly, we find a positive association between perceived legitimacy and traffic offenses. Consequently, Figure 2 shows that the main explanatory variables may differ in their associations with the three offenses under study. This first insight was explored in greater depth with further regressions.

3.2. Estimation strategy

37 Baseline model Given that our dependent variables are both discrete and ordered, we consider an ordered probit model with

equation im3
0 if yi*jc1
{if c1 < yi*jc2
yij = g (yi*j)= 2 if c2 < yi*jc3 [1]
if c3 < yi*jc4
4 if c4 < yi*j

38 We denote yij as the choice of individual i in country j to commit a crime. If he or she does not engage in a criminal behavior, yij = 0. Otherwise the value is higher than one and indicates the frequency of this behavior. The dependent variable is encoded as follows in our analysis: “0: Never”, “1: Once”, “2: Twice”, “3: Three or four times”, “4: Five times or more”. In probit models, a latent continuous metric equation im4 underlies the ordinal responses observed in the data. equation im5 can be analyzed as the implicit utility derived from crime. Once the latent variable equation im6 crosses a certain threshold cL, the individual chooses the option L.

39 We consider the following specification for the latent variable

equation im7
yi*j = b0 + b1 Subj. Probabilityij [2]
+ b2 Moralityij
+ b3 Legitimacyij
+ b4 Subj. Probabilityij *Moralityij
+ b5 Subj. Probabilityij *Legitimacyij
+ b5 Moralityij *Legitimacyij
+ b4 Subj. Probabilityij *Moralityij *Legitimacyij
+ a1 Soc. Capitalij + a2 Socio. Demog.ij + γj + ∈ij

40 Equation 2 allows to study how the number of everyday crimes varies as a function of several characteristics. Soc. Capitalij is a vector of variables measuring social capital, Soc. Demog.ij is a vector of sociodemographic variables, γj is the country fixed effect, and ∈ij is the error term, i.i.d. and normally distributed. A complete description of the corresponding variables can be found in Appendix A., while summary statistics are shown in Appendix B.

41 By controlling for social capital and sociodemographic variables, we ensure that the individual socioeconomic background is held constant when measuring the effects of our three drivers of criminal behavior. Including a country fixed effect controls for knowledge of legal sanctions, institutions and cultural contexts that may vary between countries. We also introduce interaction terms between the three main explanatory variables to measure substitution or complementary effects.

42 Our sociodemographic control variables are gender (female, a binary variable that equals 1 if the individual is a woman and 0 otherwise), household income (household income, measured in decile), the level of education (years of education), age, and current professional status (employed, unemployed, retired or otherwise inactive).

43 Our analysis includes six measures of social capital: involvement in an organization (political or not, during the past twelve months); social meetings, a standardized variable that corresponds to the frequency of meeting friends, relatives or colleagues; generalized trust in others (a combination of three statements scored from 0 and 10: “Most people can be trusted [10] or you can’t be too careful [0]”, “Most people try to take advantage of you [0] or try to be fair [10]” and “Most of the time people are helpful [10] or mostly looking out for themselves [0])”; political interest, a standardized variable that relates to the question “how interested in politics are you”; religiosity, the degree of religious spirit (measured as the sum of the following variables, after standardization: “how often do you pray apart from at religious services”, “how often attend religious services apart from special occasions” and “how religious are you”); and finally, trust in domestic political institutions (defined as the sum of the variables measuring trust in country’s parliament, politicians and political parties, after standardization).

44 Further analysis: zero-inflated ordered probit model In our study 97.21 % of respondents stated that they had not committed insurance fraud. At the same time, 93.06 % of respondents declared that they had not purchased potentially stolen goods. This concentration of zeros is referred to as a zero-inflation problem. We treated the problem using an alternative model: the zero-inflation ordered probit regression.

45 The underlying idea is that zeros can arise from two aspects of individual behavior. First, declared compliance can be strongly determined by the individual’s ethical concerns, meaning that they will consistently claim to belong to an “always-zero” group, with “0: no crime” as the only possible value. This may be due to norm internalization and/or the perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions. Second, some compliant individuals may share similar characteristics with criminals. In this event, they respond to a potential decrease in the “price” of criminal behavior. This is more related to the subjective probability of sanction. Therefore, we have two groups of individuals: the first is an “always-zero” group, while the second is a “participation” group. The level of participation in this second group is conditional and the number of crimes includes the value zero.

46 Similarly, the zero-inflation ordered probit model has two parts. The first is a probit model predicting the “always-zero” group. Here, we include the subjective probability of sanction, norm internalization and perceived legitimacy as independent variables in order to reflect the fact that non-participation is related to not only ethical concerns, but also Beckerian motives. The second part is an ordered probit model describing the number of crimes in the participation group. To reflect the fact that individuals in this group are sensitive to price, we only include the subjective probability of sanction and control variables as independent variables.

4. Results

4.1. Baseline model

47 We estimate an ordered probit model, as described in section 3.2. Table 8 in Appendix D. reports the corresponding results. Concerning the subjective probability of sanction, we find a counterintuitive result, as it is not negatively correlated with reported everyday crime. Nor is the coefficient significant for the reported purchase of potentially stolen goods, while it is negatively significant, at the 10 % level, for reported false insurance claims, as demonstrated by estimates (1) and (2) in Table 8. However, it is positively correlated with the propensity to commit a traffic offense at the 10 % level. Regarding traffic offenses, this finding is in line with previous studies and, particularly, the paper by Michiels and Schneider [1984] who indicate that traffic offenders tend be risk-lovers. It seems that a higher probability of sanction may increase the propensity to commit a traffic offense. Similarly, our non significant coefficient for the purchase of stolen items differs from common wisdom that claims that a higher probability of sanction is a deterrent.

48 Our data is consistent with the norm-based explanation of criminal behavior. We find that the degree of norm internalization is associated with a reduced level of reported criminal behavior. This coefficient for this variable is negative and significant at the 1 % level for the three offenses under study.

49 Regarding the perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions, we find that coefficients are non-significant for the three crimes under study. Consequently, our results cast into doubt Tyler’s seminal result [1990] that people are compliant primarily because they believe in respecting legitimate authority. We include interaction terms between the three main explanatory variables to detect if they are substitutes or complements. A positive and significant coefficient for an interaction term corresponds to a complementary effect, while a significant negative coefficient characterizes substitutes. The results show that only one interaction term is significant: the combination of the subjective probability of sanction and norm internalization for traffic offenses. In this case the coefficient is negative, but only with a 10 % level of confidence. This indicates that these two drivers of crime may be substitutes for this particular offense.

50 Hence, we find that the three main variables of interest have different associations with the declared propensity to commit crime, depending on the offense. Further analysis is needed to understand these differences.

4.2. Further analysis

51 We estimate a zero-inflation ordered probit model, which splits the data generation process into two. Results are reported in Table 9. First, we estimate the coefficients associated with an “always-zero” crime group. The results are described with estimates (5), (7) and (9). In these regressions, a significant and positive coefficient indicates that that the individual is more likely to declare having committed a crime. Second, conditional on reporting participation in a crime, we estimate the coefficients associated with the number of crimes, which can be found in estimates (4), (6) and (8).

52 “Always-zero” reported crime For the purchase of stolen goods and traffic offenses, the effect of the subjective probability of sanction is consistent with the findings from the baseline model and its coefficient is non-significant for the purchase of stolen goods. The coefficient for traffic offenses is positive at the 1 % level, meaning that an increase in the subjective probability of sanction is associated with a higher chance of declaring a traffic offense. However, the coefficient of the probability of sanction is non-significant for false insurance claims, which departs from the baseline model where a negative coefficient was found at the 10 % level.

53 Like the baseline model, norm internalization is significant for all three crimes. Coefficients are negative and significant at the 1 % level in estimates (5), (7) and (9). Thus, a high degree of norm internalization is associated with a higher probability of reporting compliance. Regarding perceived legitimacy, the results are also similar to the baseline model: there is no significant effect of perceived legitimacy in the “always-zero” reported crime group.

54 In the baseline model, there was only one significant (negative) interaction: the combination of subjective probability and norm internalization for traffic offenses at the 10 % level. In estimate (9) the sign is the same, but at the 1 % significance level.

55 Number of reported crimes Estimates (4), (6) and (8) address the drivers of reported crimes. Interestingly, we find that the subjective probability of sanction decreases the number of traffic offenses, conditional on participation. The coefficient is negative at the 1 % level. However, there isno effect on the purchase of stolen items or false insurance claims.

5. Discussion and concluding remarks

56 This paper analyses the drivers of everyday crime in Europe. In particular, it studies how the subjective probability of sanction, norm internalization and the perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions are empirically related to traffic offenses, the purchase of potentially stolen goods and false insurance claims. It is based on data from the 2010 European Social Survey, covering 26 countries and 26,109 individuals. Controlling for social capital, sociodemographic variables and country fixed effects, we perform an ordered probit and a zero-inflated ordered probit regression. We find that neither the perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions nor the subjective probability of sanctions are systematically associated with a reduced propensity to commit a low-level offense. For both specifications, the perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions is non-significant. Interestingly, for traffic offenses, we find that the subjective probability of sanction increases the propensity to commit this everyday crime, while it reduces the number of traffic offenses conditional on participation. Meanwhile, norm internalization is associated with a lower probability of committing an everyday crime for all three offenses.

57 This study reports two, interesting findings. First, reported everyday crimes do not have the same determinants. Second, increasing repressive sanctions is counterproductive, given the positive correlation between the subjective probability of sanctions and traffic offenses, and the non-significant relationship for the two other crimes. Given that crime control is costly, devoting more money to detection and punishment is not necessarily socially beneficial. Our empirical results indicate, however, that norm internalization is positively associated with compliance. This favors a policy of prevention and education.

58 Although our empirical study draws a broad picture of the drivers of everyday crime, our data contains limitations that prevent us from demonstrating causal effects. First, our dependent variables are declared crime data which is difficult to analyze. Notably, measurement is an issue as respondents may be reluctant to admit that they have actually committed a crime. Second, our data may suffer from a common source bias, which makes it difficult to establish a causal link between the dependent and explanatory variables. In practice, our reported crime variables are obtained using the same questionnaire as the explanatory variables. However, if a participant declares that he or she has committed several offenses, they may: (1) diminish the moral scope of the offense to avoid self-image issues; (2) reduce the subjective probability of being condemned to avoid appearing irrational, and (3) diminish the legitimacy of the system in which it operates, implying that the law was violated because legal institutions are not considered to be legitimate. This respondent bias may be reinforced given that the ESS relies mainly on face-to-face interviews.

59 A third issue that leads us to interpret our findings with caution relates to the ex-post measurement of subjective probabilities. One of the theories that is tested relates to how ex-ante beliefs regarding the probability of being caught and sanctioned influence the propensity to commit an everyday crime. However, our dataset only contains the ex-post beliefs of respondents; in particular, respondents are asked about their perceptions of the probability of sanctions after they have committed (or not) an offense.

60 Respondents are likely to change their perceptions after committing a crime. This change can work two ways. First, repeat offenders may be caught and sanctioned, leading to the belief that the probability of sanction is high. Second, offenders who are not caught might think that the probability of detection is low. It is extremely difficult to measure which effect is the most significant in our data.

61 Furthermore, we assume that the probability of being sanctioned is a subjective variable, while the level of sanction is an objective variable. This is based on the assumption that the resources that are allocated to the detection of different situations, in different localities are not directly observable by individuals; at the same time, sanctions (decreed by law) are deemed to be accessible to everyone. Objective differences in sanctions from one country to another are assumed to be captured by the country fixed effect. Nevertheless, it is possible that the level of sanctions is another area where perceptions are subjective and therefore variable from one individual to another.

62 To conclude this section, and the paper, we have seen that, given the nature of the data, it is difficult to find any causal effect of our three main explanatory variables. This inability to demonstrate causation is inherent in survey-based studies of criminality. From this arises the need to generate a controlled environment in the form of a lab experiment or natural experiments to isolate any causal effects.

The authors would like to thank Bruno Deffains, Tim Friehe, Farid Toubal and the anonymous referees for their valuable comments.

7. Appendices

A. Description of the variables

63 We use data from ESS5. The following paragraphs explains in detail the variables used from this data set, with notations from its codebook.

64 Crime related variables Our paper includes dependent variables which correspond to crimes of everyday life. We have chosen to focus on three different crimes: making a false insurance claim, buying something that might have been stolen and making a traffic offense. In ESS5 codebook, they are respectively called flsin5y, bstln5y and troffy5y and correspond to the following description.


  • flsin5y: “Tell me how often have you made an exaggerated or false insurance claim in the last five years?”
  • bstln5y: “Tell me how often have you bought something you thought might be stolen in the last five years?”
  • troffy5y: “Tell me how often have you committed a traffic offense like speeding or crossing a red light in the last five years?” The possible observations are: never, once, twice, 3 or 4 times, 5 times or more.

66 The measurement of the subjective probabilities of sanction is based on


  • insclct: “Now just suppose you were to do any of these things in [country]. Please tell me how likely it is that you would be caught and punished if made an exaggerated or false insurance claim.”
  • bystlct: “Now just suppose you were to do any of these things in [country]. Please tell me how likely it is that you would be caught and punished if bought something that might be stolen.”
  • trfoct: “Now just suppose you were to do any of these things in [country]. Please tell me how likely it is that you would be caught and punished if committed a traffic offense.” The possible observations are: not at all likely, not very likely, likely, very likely.

68 The measurement of norm internalization is based on


  • insclwr: “How wrong to make exaggerated or false insurance claim”
  • bystlwr: “How wrong to buy something that might be stolen”
  • trfowr: “How wrong to commit traffic offense”

70 The possible observations are: not wrong at all, a bit wrong, wrong, seriously wrong.

71 Our indicator of perceived legitimacy of judicial institutions is constructed by the means of factor analysis and based on the fourteen variables of ESS5 displayed in table 1.

Table 1

Variables related to the perceived legitimacy of justice institutions

Variable Corresponding question
dbctvrd To what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements about [country] nowadays: Everyone’s duty to back the court’s final verdict.
lwstrob To what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements about [country] nowadays: All laws should be strictly obeyed.
ctprpwr To what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements about [country] nowadays: Courts protect rich and powerful over ordinary people.
rgbrklw To what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements about [country] nowadays: Doing the right thing sometimes means breaking the law.
ctinplt To what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements about [country] nowadays: The Courts’ decisions are unduly influenced by political pressure.
jdgcbrb How often you would say that judges in [country] take bribes?
bplcdc To what extent is it your duty to back the decisions made by the police even when you disagree with them?
doplcsy To what extent is it your duty to do what the police tell you even if you don’t understand or agree with the reasons?
dpcstrb To what extent is it your duty to do what the police tell you to do, even if you don’t like how they treat you?
plcrgwr Please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the police in [country]: Police have the same sense of right and wrong as me.
plcipvl Please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the police in [country]: Police stand up for values that are important to people like me.
gsupplc Please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the police in [country]: I generally support how the police usually act.
plciplt Please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about the police in [country]: The decisions and actions of the police are unduly influenced by pressure from political parties and politicians.
plccbrb How often would you say that the police in [country] take bribes?
Variables related to the perceived legitimacy of justice institutions

Variables related to the perceived legitimacy of justice institutions

72 Social capital and sociodemographic variables Concerning the sociodemographic factors, Table 2 shows the five that we have retained. We present the different variables from ESS5 with their original encoding. Finally, the six variables of social capital included in the paper are described in table 3: orgainvol, genetrust, institrust, religious, zpolintr and zsclmeet.

Table 2

Sociodemographic variables

Variable Corresponding question
gndr Gender: Male; Female
hinctnta Household’s total net income, all sources. Please tell me which letter describes your household’s total income, after tax and compulsory deductions, from all sources? If you don’t know the exact figure, please give an estimate. Use the part of the card that you know best: weekly, monthly or annual income.
1st decile; 2nd decile; 3rd decile; 4th decile; 5th decile; 6th decile; 7th decile; 8th decile; 9th decile; 10th decile
eduyrs Years of full-time education completed. About how many years of education have you completed, whether full-time or part-time? Please report these in full-time equivalents and include compulsory years of schooling.
agea Age of respondent, calculated.
mnactic Which of these descriptions applies to what you have been doing for the last 7 days? Paid work; Unemployed; Retired; Other inactives
Sociodemographic variables

Sociodemographic variables

Table 3

Variables of social capital

Variable Corresponding question
wrkprty There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you worked in political party or action group?
wrkorg There are different ways of trying to improve things in [country] or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last 12 months, have you worked in another organisation or association?
sclmeet How often do you meet socially with friends, relatives or work colleagues?
ppltrst Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? Please tell me on a score of 0 to 10, where 0 means you can’t be too careful and 10 means that most people can be trusted.
pplfair Do you think that most people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, or would they try to be fair?
pplhlp Would you say that most of the time people try to be helpful or that they are mostly looking out for themselves?
trstprl Trust in country’s parliament.
trstplt Trust in politicians.
trstprt Trust in political parties.
Please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.
polintr How interested would you say you are in politics?
pray Apart from when you are at religious services, how often, if at all, do you pray?
rlgatnd Apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend religious services nowadays?
rlgdgr Regardless of whether you belong to a particular religion, how religious would you say you are?
Variables of social capital

Variables of social capital

B. Summary statistics

Table 4

Summary statistics for crime related discrete variables

N Perc. Cum.
False insurance claim
Never 25381.00 97.21 97.21
Once 542.00 2.08 99.29
Twice 143.00 0.55 99.84
3 or 4 times 34.00 0.13 99.97
5 times or more 9.00 0.03 100.00
Purchase of stolen item
Never 24296.00 93.06 93.06
Once 1161.00 4.45 97.50
Twice 390.00 1.49 99.00
3 or 4 times 159.00 0.61 99.61
5 times or more 103.00 0.39 100.00
Traffic offense
Never 12279.00 47.03 47.03
Once 2888.00 11.06 58.09
Twice 2571.00 9.85 67.94
3 or 4 times 2522.00 9.66 77.60
5 times or more 5849.00 22.40 100.00
Subj. proba. sanction for false insurance
Not at all likely 3340.00 12.79 12.79
Not very likely 6734.00 25.79 38.58
Likely 10345.00 39.62 78.21
Very likely 5690.00 21.79 100.00
Subj. proba. sanction for buying something stolen
Not at all likely 4310.00 16.51 16.51
Not very likely 10086.00 38.63 55.14
Likely 8036.00 30.78 85.92
Very likely 3677.00 14.08 100.00
Subj. proba. sanction for traffic offense
Not at all likely 2391.00 9.16 9.16
Not very likely 7797.00 29.86 39.02
Likely 10403.00 39.84 78.87
Very likely 5518.00 21.13 100.00
Morality false insurance
Not wrong at all 705.00 2.70 2.70
A bit wrong 3109.00 11.91 14.61
Wrong 9910.00 37.96 52.56
Seriously wrong 12385.00 47.44 100.00
Morality buy something stolen
Not wrong at all 661.00 2.53 2.53
A bit wrong 2888.00 11.06 13.59
Wrong 9976.00 38.21 51.80
Seriously wrong 12584.00 48.20 100.00
Morality traffic offense
Not wrong at all 578.00 2.21 2.21
A bit wrong 6142.00 23.52 25.74
Wrong 11910.00 45.62 71.35
Seriously wrong 7479.00 28.65 100.00
Summary statistics for crime related discrete variables

Summary statistics for crime related discrete variables

26, 109 individual observations.
Table 5

Summary statistics for socio-demographic related variables

N Perc. Cum.
0 12798.00 49.02 49.02
1 13311.00 50.98 100.00
Household income
1st decile 2469.00 9.46 9.46
2nd decile 2645.00 10.13 19.59
3rd decile 2724.00 10.43 30.02
4th decile 2810.00 10.76 40.78
5th decile 2988.00 11.44 52.23
6th decile 2804.00 10.74 62.97
7th decile 2720.00 10.42 73.38
8th decile 2530.00 9.69 83.07
9th decile 2181.00 8.35 91.43
Current professional status
Paid work 13631.00 52.21 52.21
Unemployed 1732.00 6.63 58.84
Retired 6058.00 23.20 82.04
Other inactives 4688.00 17.96 100.00
Summary statistics for socio-demographic related variables

Summary statistics for socio-demographic related variables

26, 109 individual observations.
Table 6

Summary statistics for continuous variables

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
Involvement in organizations 26109 .173 .379 0 1
Social meetings 26109 0 1 – 2.492 1.387
Generalized trust 26109 0 2.509 – 6.92 6.191
Political interest 26109 0 1 – 1.614 1.741
Religiosity 26109 0 2.628 – 3.443 6.595
Trust in domestic institutions 26109 0 2.792 – 4.571 7.812
Years of education 26109 12.908 3.815 0 50
Age 26109 47.492 17.552 14 101
Summary statistics for continuous variables

Summary statistics for continuous variables

Table 7

Missing-value patterns of the data for crime-related variables

Variable Missing values Observed values Unique values Min Max
False insurance
Crime 489 51,969 2 0 1
Subj. proba. 2,862 49,596 2 0 1
Morality 1,093 51,365 2 0 1
Crime 1,216 51,242 2 0 1
Subj. proba. 2,737 49,721 2 0 1
Morality 742 51,716 2 0 1
Crime 1,527 50,931 2 0 1
Subj. proba. 1,967 50,491 2 0 1
Morality 682 51,776 2 0 1
Legitimacy 16,701 35,757 2 0 1
Missing-value patterns of the data for crime-related variables

Missing-value patterns of the data for crime-related variables

C. Missing values

73 Table 7 displays the number of missing values for our ten crime-related variables. We can observe that the number of missing variables is relatively low compared to the initial number of respondents in the data set, that is 52, 458 – except for perceived legitimacy of justice institutions for which 31.84 % of the data are missing.

74 Using Little’s test, we evaluate whether crime-related variables are jointly missing-completely-at-random (MCAR); using 200 iterations in the expectation-maximization algorithm. With the original data set, we find a chi-square distance of 4360.40 and a p-value of 0.00. Thus, the test provides evidence that the missing data in the variables of interest are not MCAR under significance level 0.05.

75 Then, we add auxiliary variables and test the covariate-dependent missing assumption (CDM). The covariates considered for analysis are our social capital and socio-demographic variables. We get a chi-square distance of 7846.13 and a p-value of 1.00. The CDM test is highly non significant, which implies that although our crime-related variables are not MCAR, the missing-data mechanism can be reasonably viewed as CDM given our auxiliary variables.

D. Estimations

Table 8

Parameter estimates – Ordered probit model for everyday life crimes

Purchase of stolen items
False insurance claim
Traffic offense
High proba. – 0.035 – 0.205* 0.115*
(0.113) (0.113) (0.065)
High morality – 0.730*** – 0.559*** – 0.511***
(0.079) (0.105) (0.061)
High legitimacy – 0.149 0.126 0.079
(0.091) (0.118) (0.068)
proba x morality – 0.042 – 0.035 – 0.136*
(0.135) (0.155) (0.078)
proba x lgt. 0.013 – 0.109 – 0.128
(0.174) (0.186) (0.090)
mor. x lgt. 0.152 – 0.193 – 0.052
(0.113) (0.153) (0.084)
proba x mor. x lgt. – 0.029 0.090 0.128
(0.206) (0.238) (0.109)
Pseudo-R2 0.128 0.117 0.114
Chi2 841.2 470.1 5313
Parameter estimates – Ordered probit model for everyday life crimes

Parameter estimates – Ordered probit model for everyday life crimes

26, 109 individual observations. Country fixed effects are included in each specification. Control variables are also included for each estimation. They consist of socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, years of education, household income in decile and current professional status) and items related to social capital (involvement in organizations, social meetings, generalized trust, trust in domestic institutions, political interest and religiosity). Huber-White heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors in parentheses. Results are significantly different from zero at *** 1 %, ** 5 % and * 10 %.
Table 9

Parameter estimates – Zero-inflation ordered probit model

Nb. False
Nb. Traf.
Zero Traf.
High proba. – 0.032 – 0.114 – 0.330 0.048 – 0.169*** 0.384***
(0.152) (0.427) (0.256) (0.308) (0.042) (0.125)
High morality – 1.469*** – 0.809*** – 0.654***
(0.281) (0.202) (0.098)
High legitimacy – 0.340 0.258 – 0.025
(0.237) (0.246) (0.113)
proba. x mor. 0.009 – 0.072 – 0.274**
(0.365) (0.254) (0.134)
proba. x lgt. 0.093 – 0.177 – 0.067
(0.419) (0.353) (0.173)
mor. x lgt. 0.403 – 0.262 0.015
(0.250) (0.264) (0.131)
proba. x mor. x lgt. – 0.108 0.009 0.090
(0.448) (0.439) (0.193)
Nb. of zeros 24296 24296 25381 25381 12279 12279
Chi2 185.7 182.2 1499
Parameter estimates – Zero-inflation ordered probit model

Parameter estimates – Zero-inflation ordered probit model

26, 109 individual observations. Country fixed effects are included in each specification. Control variables are also included for each estimation. They consist of socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, years of education, household income in decile and current professional status) and items related to social capital (involvement in organizations, social meetings, generalized trust, trust in domestic institutions, political interest and religiosity). Huber-White heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors in parentheses. Results are significantly different from zero at *** 1 %, ** 5 % and * 10 %.


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Mots-clés éditeurs : criminalité, dissuasion, respect des normes

Date de mise en ligne : 21/06/2019


  • [1]
    Defined as planned crime that involve cheating or lying that usually occurs in the course of employment.
  • [2]
    Although Robbins and Pettinicchio [2012] also find a link between social activism and homicide rates based on a cross-country analysis of 56 nations, the association is negative and therefore contradicts the work of Messner, Baumer and Rosenfeld.
  • [3]
    Data from Portugal are missing, leaving only 26 countries in our final dataset.


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