1. Introduction
1 One of the major environmental challenges that world is facing today is to ensure energy for long-term sustainable development. The relationship between sustainable development and energy is a very complex one. On the one hand, energy may have positive effects on sustainable development through a variety of services it provides (e.g. better transportations, improved communications). These services are based on government policies, technological development, different social norms and individual behaviours, not just in the energy sector, but in many other sectors as well. On the other hand, energy may have negative effects on sustainable development due to the ways in which it is produced and deployed. In this sense, energy from non-renewable sources (such as natural gas, oil and coal) raises the greenhouse gas emissions and pollutes the environment.
2 One of ways to reconcile the growing energy needs of contemporary life and the need to simultaneously reduce emissions of greenhouse gases to protect the natural environment, is to substitute non-renewable energy sources with renewable ones (like the sun, wind, geothermal and marine energies). The reason is that these new sources are abundant, free to exploit and environmentally friendly. Besides, renewables help in stimulating the economy and creating green job opportunities (Boyd and Pang [2000]; Worrell, Laitner, Ruth and Finman [2003]; Chien and Hu [2007]; Sadorsky [2009]; Kounetas, Mourtos and Tsekouras [2012]).
3 According to the IEA 2015 report, OECD countries embody a key worldwide energy region, particularly for renewable sources of energy. In 2013, it accounted for 18 % of global population, 47 % of global GDP and 40 % of total primary energy supply, shares that have significantly changed since 1971 when the region represented 61 % of the global energy supply. The report also argues that the OECD levels of energy/capita are double than the world average, with a few regional disparities across the four areas: Europe, Asia Oceania and Americas. But, some nuances have to be painted to this general framework. Despite the fact that OECD is the most energy-intensive region, in terms of TPES/population (i.e., total primary energy supply/population), the OECD levels of energy intensity of the economy (TPES/GDP, based on PPP) tend to be slightly lower than the world average, which might reflect a less energy-intensive economic structure and a more advanced development in renewable sources. Furthermore, the OECD key demand trends indicate that the total final consumption increased by 2 % in 2013 compared to previous year and that this drop differs across its four areas; (Americas being the driving force via the industry sector growth.)
4 Given the relevance of energy for economic growth, a wider theoretical literature has intended to model it. While neoclassical growth models (e.g., Solow [1956]) assumed exogenous technological changes and explained the growth process without including energy as a factor that could accelerate growth, most recent growth models (see, for a review Stern [2000]; Jones and Manuelli [2005]; Soytas and Sary [2009]) show that energy becomes a key driver of economic growth and that technological progress may boost productivity by allowing additional energy consumption (e.g. Hall et al. [2003]; Allen [2009]). These theoretical developments triggered great interest in exploring empirically the nature and the direction of causality between these variables and offer insights for environment friendly energy policies.
5 Since the seminal article by Kraft and Kraft [1978], empirical studies found no consensus about the direction of causality between these two factors. On the supply-side, researchers view energy, capital and labor as key production factors and show that energy consumption has a positive effect on economic growth. On the demand-side, other researchers consider the energy consumption depending on the economic growth and concludes in favor of a direct causality from economic activity to energy use. To better infer this relationship, Ozturk [2010], Ozturk et al. [2010] and Apergis and Payne [2011] structured this theoretical background in four main hypotheses: “the growth hypothesis”, “the conservation hypothesis”, “the neutrality hypothesis” and “the feedback hypothesis”. The first one assumes a unidirectional causality from energy consumption to economic growth; the second one stands for a unidirectional causality from growth to energy consumption; the third one show no causality between these two factors, while the last one identifies a bi-directional link between energy consumption and economic activity. Each hypothesis has different policy implications. The validation of the growth hypothesis means that energy is a key ingredient for economic growth and, therefore, strong energy policies are necessary to stimulate economic growth or conversely, policies intending to limit energy consumption will reduce growth. Under the conservation hypothesis and the neutrality hypothesis, adjustments in energy policies are not expected to influence economic growth.
6 Most part of the OECD energy literature focused on the relationship between non-renewable energy sources and economic growth and employed either time series or panel data models. When focusing on this key energy area, research by Chontanawat et alli. [2008] found that energy consumption leads economic growth in 70 % of 30 OECD economies compared to only 46 % of the 78 non-OECD countries. Once their study integrates the country’s stage of development criterion, the energy leads growth in 69 % of high-development countries, 42 % of the middle-income countries and 35 % of the low-income countries. At the opposite side, Huang et alli. [2008] findings show that it is rather economic growth that guides energy. This evidence is not supported by the Prasad’s [2008] results showing that the neutrality hypothesis holds in 22 of 30 OECD countries. However, recent panel studies on OECD countries (such as Chang et al. [2009], Constantini and Martini [2010], Lee and Lee [2010], Belke et al. [2011] and Coers and Sanders [2013]) come to more homogenous results and conclude in favour of a bi-directional causality between energy use from non-renewable sources and economic growth. A different result is found by Giraud et Kahraman [2014] when they work with 15 OECD countries on the period 1970-2011. Their outcome show that energy consumption univocally Granger causes economic growth which validates the growth hypothesis.
7 Overall, empirical investigations conducted until now highlight diverging results on this relationship. Most of these studies explain the gap in results through the applied methodology (using time series or panel data), the selected period or the country sample. Time series models may have lower statistical power than panel data models (see Campbell and Perron [1991]) due to the fact that they doesn’t add the cross-sectional dimension to the time series dimension to exploit further information. This is why, I choose to work in this paper with panel models rather than time series models as many recent papers on this topic did, such as Lee [2005], Al-Iriani [2006], Lee and Chang [2007], Mehrara [2007], Apergis and Payne [2009, 2010a, 2010b, 2010c, 2011]).
8 Almost all these studies focused on the relevance of non-renewable sources of energy for economic growth by ignoring to some extent the existence of the renewable ones. The present paper attempts to fill this gap by integrating renewable energy sources in the analysis. It contributes to this economic field by understanding how renewable and non-renewable energy consumption impacts economic growth process in OECD countries and makes several contributions to the related literature. Firstly, the paper integrates simultaneously in the analysis both types of sources of energy to explain the economic growth. To the best of my knowledge, there are only two candidate contributions focusing on the importance of renewable sources of energy for economic development in OECD countries: Chang et al. [2009] on 30 OECD countries over the 1997-2006 period by using nonlinear panel models and Salim et al. [2014] on 29 OECD countries on the 1980-2012 period by employing panel linear models. Secondly, compared to previous studies on OECD countries, the paper try to focus on a larger panel of OECD countries (34 OECD countries) and covers a recent time period (from 1990 to 2014). Thirdly, from a methodological point of view, the paper uses up-to-date panel data techniques such as the parametric dynamic OLS (DOLS) model proposed by Kao and Chiang [2000]. It also enriches this analysis by applying candidate specifications, namely the Pooled Mean Group (PMG) estimator by Pesaran, Shin and Smith [1999] and Mean Group Model (MG) by Pesaran and Smith [1995]. The PMG model is used to identify the short-run and long-run causality among considered variables. By allowing the intercept, slope coefficient and error variance to vary across countries, the model identifies heterogeneity in the panel. An alternative panel specification to the PMG estimator is the Mean Group (MG) estimator for which economic conditions may be not the same across countries, in the long run. The efficiency gain of PMG estimator compared to MG estimator comes from the hypothesis of heterogeneous short-run dynamics and identical long-run conditions across countries. Furthermore, the PMG model is robust to the choice of lag orders and appears to be consistent and efficient even in the presence of endogenous and non-stationary regressors (e.g., Fayad [2010]). Fourthly, to avoid the omitted variable biais observed within a bivariate framework (Lutkepohl [1982]), the paper is constructed within a multivariate framework which includes additional controlling measures of gross fixed capital formation and energy efficiency as key determinants of GDP growth (e.g., Apergis and Payne [2011, 2012], Salim et al. [2014], Giraud et Kahraman [2014]). Fifth, to test the robustness of the results to the variation of country coverage, the paper re-estimates the PMG procedure for two sub-samples: (i) 24 former OECD countries that signed the OECD convention before 1970 and (ii) 15 current OECD countries integrated in the Giraud et Kahraman [2014] paper and used for comparison purposes in the study. Finally, the findings provide additional support for the economic approaches analyzing the energy-income nexus.
9 In the long-run, outcomes show evidence for a bi-directional causality between energy consumption from renewable and non-renewable sources and economic growth which validates the feed-back hypothesis. In the short-run, there is evidence for a bi-directional link only between the nonrenewable energy use and the economic growth. The renewable energy consumption is negatively and significantly influenced by an increase in the real GDP growth only for OECD_15 suggesting perhaps weak investments in the renewable energy sector or the existence of a still underdeveloped energy sector in some of these countries. As policy implications, the interdependence between non-renewable energy sources and economic growth suggests that governments should consider fossil fuels as a still important ingredient for the economic growth and as a key factor in the OECD energy consumption mix. In the same time, outcomes indicate that renewable energy sources will play a crucial role in the long-run energy consumption mix. This is because the major advantage of renewable energy sources consists in its power to reduce greenhouse emissions and to protect environment. Hence, governments should support policies that stimulate the renewable energy sector, its accessibility and the development of a corresponding network. Given the destructive effect of conventional sources of energy (i.e., the non-renewable energy sources) on the environment, the expansion of the fossil fuels sector should be limited through the implementation of the carbon taxes or by means of new environmental charts imposing a new GHG emission management approach to reduce CO2 emission, to better protect the environment and to contribute to a complete decarbonisation of the energy sector (as highlighted by the Paris 2015 Agreement that fights against the global warming and climate change). The results validate also the substituability between renewable and non-renewable energy consumption in the long-run which should encourage again policy makers to develop the renewable energy sector. These results are in line with those obtained by recent panel data studies (such as Constantin and Martini [2010]; Salim et al. [2014]), only for the long-run horizon. Furthermore, the relatively large long-run income elasticities show that small changes in real per capita income have a proportionally higher impact on per capita fosil fuels energy consumption.
10 The rest of the paper is constructed as follows. Section 2 presents a review of the OECD existing literature on panel data. Section 3 describes the empirical approach used in the paper to investigate the relationship between the energy consumption and growth. Section 4 displays and discusses the obtained results. Section 5 provides some concluding results.
2. The review of the existing literature
11 The energy consumption-economic growth nexus is a research topic that was widely studied for both developed and developing countries and for that the empirical evidence produced mixed and conflicting results with respect to the direction of causation. The purpose of this section is not to provide a complete overview of this empirical literature, but to focus only on recent panel data studies analyzing this relationship in OECD countries (see table 1).
12 The first recent panel data study on the relationship between energy consumption and growth in OECD countries was produced by Lee et al. [2008]. The authors examined 22 OECD countries over the period from 1960 to 2001 and found that, by employing a Multivariate panel VECM specification with output, energy consumption and fixed brut capital formation inside, a bi-directional causality between energy consumption and economic growth. They outcomes validate the feed-back hypothesis meaning that energy consumption and real GDP impact each other simultaneously. In the same vein, four next studies presented in the table 1 find evidence in favour of bi-directional causality between these two factors. Among them, Salim et al. [2014] analyze the linkage between renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and GDP growth in 29 OECD countries from 1990 to 2012 and find, by using the PMG estimator and the Common Correlated Effects Mean Group (CCEMG) estimator for the long-run relationship, a bi-directional causality for both the short- and long-run.
Overview of recent panel data studies on non-renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus in the OCDE countries
Authors | Period | Countries | Causality |
Lee et al. [2008] | 1960-2001 | 22 OECD countries | energy ↔ growth |
Chang et al. [2009] | 1997-2006 | 30 OECD countries | growth → energy in high growth countries |
Constantini and Martini [2010] |
1960-2005 1970-2005 |
26 OECD countries 45 non-OCDE countries | energy ↔ growth energy ↔ growth |
Lee and Lee [2010] | 1978-2004 | 25 OECD countries | energy ↔ growth |
Belke et al. [2011] | 1981-2007 | 25 OECD countries | energy ↔ growth |
Coers and Sanders [2013] | 1960-2000 | 30 OECD countries | growth → energy |
Salim et al. [2014] | 1980-2012 | 29 OECD countries | energy ↔ growth |
Giraud et Kahraman [2014] | 1970-2011 | 15 OECD countries | energy → growth |
Overview of recent panel data studies on non-renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus in the OCDE countries
Note: i) energy ↔ growth means that there is a bi-directional causality between the nonrenewable energy consumption and economic growth; ii) growth → energy means that the variable economic growth Granger-causes variable non-renewable energy consumption.13 Conversely, only two studies find a unidirectional causality running from output growth and capital formation to energy use: Coers and Sanders [2013] for non-renewable sources of energy and Chang and al. [2009] for renewable sources of energy. The first paper uses panel unit root and cointegration techniques and specifies an appropriate vector error correction model to analyze the nexus between income and energy use. The results also show evidence in favour of bi-causality over the very-short-run. The second study focuses on the relationship between renewable energy consumption and economic growth in relation with energy prices and uses a non-linear panel data approach for 30 OECD countries on the 1997-2006 period. The results show that countries characterized by high-economic growth respond to high energy prices with increases in renewable energy consumption while countries having low-economic growth rates are not able to respond to variations in energy prices when they come to their level of renewable energy. When working with 15 OECD countries on the period 1970-2011, Giraud et Kahraman [2014] found that energy consumption univocally Granger causes growth which validates the growth hypothesis. Overall, the literature findings are very sensitive to the model misspecification and suggest that policies aiming to promote energy efficiency do not harm GDP growth, except over the very short-run.
14 As a contribution to the wave of studies focusing on the role of both renewable and non-renewable energy sources for economic development, the paper tries to find out whether there is any causal relationship between these two energy sources and economic growth for OECD countries by using a linear panel vector error correction model.
3. Data and empirical specifications
15 This study uses annual data from 1990 to 2014 for 34 OECD countries (except for Latvia due to the unavailability of data). Data on GDP per capita in constant 2000 U.S. dollars is used as a proxy for measuring economic growth (RY). The energy consumption from non-renewable sources is expressed in kilograms of oil equivalent per capita (NE) while renewable energy consumption is in % of total final energy consumption (RE). Data on gross fixed capital formation (K – measured in constant 2000 U.S. dollars per capita) and on energy efficiency (EI – captured by the energy intensity level) were used as a set of control variables in the estimated models to avoid the omitted variable biais identified in a bivariate framework (Lutkepohl [1982]). Energy intensity level of primary energy is defined as the ratio between energy supply and gross domestic product measured at purchasing power parity. Energy intensity is an indication of how much energy is engaged to produce one unit of economic output. Lower ratio indicates that less energy is used to produce one unit of output. Since all variables are in natural logarithms, each estimated coefficient should be interpreted as a constant elasticity of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variable. All data have been obtained from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators. Following Apergis and Payne [2012] and Giraud and Kahraman [2014], the production function takes the following form:
16 where RYit is real GDP per capita, REit is renewable energy consumption, NEit is non-renewable energy consumption per capita, Kit is gross fixed capital formation per capita, and EIit is energy intensity level, respectively. Subscripts i refer to the country, and t to the time period. This model has its origins in the theoretical Cobb-Douglas production function where RY can be written as: RY = A Kα Eλ
17 In this function, RY is real output per capita, E and K correspond to energy consumption and gross fixed capital formation per capita. The first right-term A is called the technology parameter. α and λ are the production elasticities with respect to the capital formation and energy consumption. Overall, the model illustrates that the gross domestic product (GDP) is explained by a set of economic factors such as: the capital and the energy consumption. If the sum of production elasticities related to capital and energy consumption equals 1 (i.e., α + λ = 1), the Cobb-Douglas production function gets constant returns to scale. The log-linear form of this production function is given by:
Ln (Yit ) = ln (A) + ln (Kit)
+ ln (Eit)
+ eit [2]
18 Table 2 displays the country lists that will be used in the estimations in the next sections.
Country list
OECD_34 | OECD_24 + Chile, Czech Rep., Estonia, Hungary, Israel, Korea Rep., Mexico, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden | ||
OECD_24 | OECD_15 | ||
OECD_15 + Australia, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Luxembourg, New Zeeland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey |
Austria Belgium Finland France Germany |
Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands Portugal |
Slovak Rep. Spain United Kingdom Japan United States |
Country list
19 The table 3 shows the matrix correlation between the independent variables for OECD_34. Since there is no significant correlation between them (except for the correlation between K and NE, and respectively, NE and EI), they can be simultaneously included in the model.
Matrix correlation (variables in logs)
Independent variables | K | RE | NE | EI |
K | 1 | |||
RE | 0,02 | 1 | ||
NE | 0.68 | 0.034 | 1 | |
EI | – 0,19 | 0,003 | 0,53 | 1 |
Matrix correlation (variables in logs)
Note: i) The fixed brut capital formation variable is expressed, here, in % of GDP;ii) Matrix correlation is qualitatively similar for OECD_24 and OECD_15.
20 The descriptive statistics on the selected variables for each country are displayed in Table 4 (see appendix). The lowest level of renewable energy consumption is given by Korea (0.4 % of total final energy consumption) followed by United Kingdom (0.6 % of total final energy use). The highest value of renewable energy use corresponds to Island (57.8 % of total final energy consumption) closely followed by Norway (56.3 % of total final energy use). Island has also the highest level on non-renewable energy use (459 kilograms of oil equivalent) while Switzerland reaches the lowest level of non-renewable energy use (42.5 kilograms of oil equivalent per capita).
Cross-section dependence and unit root tests
21 To avoid spurious results, it is necessary to test for the cross-sectional independence in the errors, for the stationarity and the cointegration of variables. I apply two tests that rely on the assumption of cross-sectional dependence in the errors: the Pesaran [2004] test and the Baltagi, Feng and Kao [2012] test. These tests help to identify the appropriate panel unit roots tests the first generation unit root tests (relying on the assumption of cross-sectional independence between countries) versus the second generation unit root tests (based on the hypothesis of cross-section dependence). The cross-sectional dependence in the errors may arise due to the presence of common shocks (e.g., the recent global financial crisis, diverse oil shocks) and other unobserved components. This hypothesis is more likely to be validated for OECD countries because they have experienced a higher economic and financial integration process during the last decade. The Pesaran [2004] test is based on the pair-wise correlation coefficients and its statistics (CD) has the following form:
2T N − 1 N
∑i = 1 ∑j
= i + 1ρ̂ιJ[3]
N (N−1)
22 The Baltagi, Feng and Kao [2012] biais-corrected scaled LM provides a simple asymptotic bias correction for the scaled LM test statistic and is asymptotically standard normal. Its LM statistic has the form:
1 N−1 N ̂2 N
∑i = 1 ∑j = i + 1( ρ ιJTij− 1 ) −
N (N
−1) 2 (T−
23 As the estimation results presented in the next section validate the cross-sectional hypothesis, I apply the Pesaran [2007] CIPS test allowing for heterogeneity in the autoregressive coefficient of the Dickey-Fuller (DF) regression and for the presence of a single unobserved common factor with heterogeneous factor loadings in the data. The test statistics is constructed from the results of panel-member-specific (A) DF regressions with the cross-section averages of the dependent and independent variables (with the lagged differences to account for serial correlation). The null hypothesis is (homogenous stationarity) H0: bi = 0 for all i (i.e., the countries) against the possibly of heterogeneous alternatives: H1: bi < 0, i = 1, 2,..., N1 or bi = 0 and i = N1 + 1, N1 + 2,..., N in the following cross-sectional augmented DF (CADF) regression:
24 where i = 1,..., N for each country of the panel and t = 1,..., T refers to the time period. Y represents the real per capita GDP. The parameters ai capture the possibility of country-specific fixed effects and the εit are the estimated residuals (assumed to be independent and identically distributed with zero mean and constant variance). The Pesaran [2007] CIPS test proposes three specifications that can be gradually tested: i) models without constant and trend; ii) models with individual specific intercepts (i.e., Eq. (5)) and iii) models with incidental linear trends. The major benefit of applying this panel unit root test is its high power of exploring the cross-sectional dependence which induces strong interdependencies between countries. The results of the table 5 strongly reject the null hypothesis of no cross-sectional dependence at the 1 % level of significance for all variables, which reflects a potentially regular dynamics to the countries.
Cross section dependence results of Pesaran (CD) and Baltagi, Feng and Kao (LM)
H0: no cross-section dependence in residuals | PANEL: VARIABLES IN LOG | |||
Period 1990-2014 | CD | p-value | Biais corrected scaled LM | p-value |
OECD_34 | ||||
Ln NE | 25.67a | 0.00 | 95.824a | 0.00 |
Ln RE | 40.44a | 0.00 | 171.18a | 0.00 |
Ln Y | 110.37a | 0.00 | 348.07a | 0.00 |
Ln EI | 81.13a | 0.00 | 253.25a | 0.00 |
Ln K | 70.85a | 0.00 | 217.06a | 0.00 |
Cross section dependence results of Pesaran (CD) and Baltagi, Feng and Kao (LM)
Note: a means statistically significant at 1 % level.25 The panel unit root results obtained by using the Pesaran [2007] CIPS test are shown in the table 6. Results indicate that variables are integrated of order one. These variables are non-stationary in levels, but stationary in first-differences at the 1 % level of significance.
The Pesaran [2007] CIPS results
H0: series is I (1) | OECD_34 / Period: 1990-2014 | ||||
Pesaran [2007] CIPS test | |||||
Variable | Level | First difference | |||
Statistic p-value | Statistic p-value | ||||
Ln NE | 2.333 (2) | (0.990) | – 1.875*** (2) | (0.000) | |
Ln RE | 0.101 (0) | (0.540) | – 7.837*** (0) | (0.000) | |
Ln Y | 0. 390 (1) | (0.652) | – 5.033*** (1) | (0.000) | |
Ln EI | 2.577 (1) | (0.995) | – 246.673** (1) | (0.000) | |
Ln K | – 0.098 (2) | (0.461) | – 3.270*** (2) | (0.000) | |
(N, T) | (34, 25) |
The Pesaran [2007] CIPS results
Notes: All panel unit roots include an intercept and a trend. But, specifications without trend are qualitatively similar. The Lag length of variables is displayed in first small parenthesis; the values in brackets are the associated probabilities; *, ** and *** indicate significance at the 1 %, 5 % and 10 % levels, respectively.Panel cointegration analysis
26 Since the unit root test show evidence in favor of cross section dependence assumption, cross-section cointegration test has to be analyzed. In this sense, I perform the Westerlund [2007] cointegration test relying on the cross-sectional dependence hypothesis. The test explores whether an error correction model has or not an error correction term (individual group or full panel) using the following model:
yij ΔlnXi,t−j + eit [6]
27 where i = 1,..., N for each country of the panel and t = 1,..., T refers to the time period. Y is the real GDP and X is the vector of the explanatory variables (the (non)-renewable energy consumption, capital stock and labor force). The parameters ai capture the possibility of country-specific fixed effects and the eit are the estimated residuals (assumed to be independent and identically distributed with zero mean and constant variance). Imposing as null hypothesis the absence of cointegration, the test assumes the existence of an error correction for individual countries in the panel (Gt and Ga being the group-mean statistics) and/or for the panel as a whole (Pt and Pa being the panel statistics) without any common-factor restriction. The test consents to a large degree of heterogeneity, both, in the long-run cointegrating relationship and in the short-run dynamic, and for dependence within, as well as across, the cross-sectional units (as shown by Westerlund [2007]).
28 The table 7 reports the results of the Westerlund [2007] test for the model integrating the constant and when the dependent variable is the renewable energy consumption. Only two statistics assume the existence of an error correction for individual panel members at 10 % significance level (reflected by the group-mean statistics- Gt) and for the panel as a whole (shown by panel statistics- Pt) at 1 % level. Overall, the results show that variables are somewhat cointegrated. These results enable to test the long-run effect of energy consumption from both sources of energy, capital formation and energy efficiency on GDP growth. For this purpose, I apply the Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) for the whole sample (OECD_34) and for two sub-samples (OECD_24 and OECD_15) to identify potential differences between the three groups.
The Westerlund [2007] cointegration test results for OECD: RE (dep. var)
Statistics with constant and trend | Value | Z-value | P-value |
Gt | – 1.970* | – 1.505 | 0.066 |
Ga | – 1.481 | 5.995 | 1.000 |
Pt | – 10.774*** | – 2.276 | 0.011 |
Pa | – 6.361 | 0.854 | 0.803 |
The Westerlund [2007] cointegration test results for OECD: RE (dep. var)
Note: i) *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10; ii) the p-values are based on the normal distribution;ii) the average AIC selected lag length is 1.77 and the average AIC lead length is 1.
29 The DOLS estimation technique implies regressing the dependent variable on the level, leads and lags of the independent variables, and therefore, offers answers for the small sample selection bias, endogeneity and serial correlation problems (Stock and Watson [1993]). The corresponding results are shown in tables from 8 to 10 and confirm that coefficients associated with the explanatory variables remain globally and qualitatively similar with those obtained in the PMG specifications.
30 In summary, the results of this set of estimations show that macroeconomic variables included in the models have a long-run impact on the GDP (except for RE). DOLS model indicates a positive and significant effect of non-renewable energy use on real GDP (validating the growth hypothesis). The outcomes suggest that a 1 % increase in non-renewable energy consumption raises GDP by a value between 0.82 % (for OECD_24) and 0.90 % (for OECD_15). Hence, the energy from non-renewable sources seems to be an important ingredient for the economic activity, and consequently, strong energy policies will have a stimulant effect on economic growth. Conversely, the effect of renewable energy consumption on the real GDP is negative and non-significant and it does not enhance growth. This might be the result of still small investments in renewable energy technologies or of a renewable energy market at its beginnings. In the long run, capital formation has a positive effect on GDP while, for energy efficiency, we see a negative impact. Overall, the results are qualitatively similar across these three samples. Notice also that the sum of our four estimated output elasticities is lesser than 1 in the case of OECD_34 suggesting that global returns to scale with respect to both types of energy use, energy efficiency and capital formation are slightly decreasing (i.e., the output increases less than the proportional changes in production factors which involves higher marginal costs) while for the two groups (OECD_24 and OECD_15) they are increasing little.
Long-run panel estimators (dependent variable – real GDP: lnRY)
Variables | DOLS – OECD_34 | DOLS – OECD_24 | DOLS – OECD_15 |
Ln RE | – 0.005 (0.004) | – 0.006 (0.004) | – 0.005 (0.005) |
Ln NE | 0.849*** (0.016) | 0.824*** (0.013) | 0.904*** (0.029) |
Ln K | 0.0553*** (0.006) | 0.067*** (0.005) | 0.030** (0.013) |
Ln EI | – 0.902*** (0.018) | – 0.883*** (0.015) | – 0.908*** (0.030) |
Nb of observations | 753 | 531 | 330 |
Long-run panel estimators (dependent variable – real GDP: lnRY)
Note: *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10; Models are with linear trends for DOLS; I used pooled weighted and heterogeneous first-stage long-run coefficients; The standard errors are in the parenthesis; Akaike criterion for leads and lags; Even without adding K in the model (given the correlation), the results are qualitatively similar.31 The results reported in the table 9 shows that a 1 % increase in real GDP raises the renewable energy consumption by a value of 1.4 % (for OECD_34), 5.48 % (for OECD_24) and 5.67 % (for OECD_15). The sign of coefficients are quasi-similar in all three models. Furthermore, the capital formation’s coefficients are qualitatively the same in the selected samples and have a negative and significant effect on renewable energy consumption maybe suggesting weak investments in renewable energy sources. These results show also an inverse relationship between energy use from renewables and from non-renewables which underlines a potential substitutability between these sources of energy.
Long-run panel estimators (dependent variable – RE)
Variables | DOLS – OECD_34 | DOLS – OECD_24 | DOLS – OECD_15 |
Ln RY | 1.395* (0.807) | 5.474*** (1.854) | 5.672** (2.473) |
Ln NE | – 0.456 (0.815) | – 4.778*** (1.939) | – 5.364** (2.411) |
Ln K | – 0.738*** (0.061) | – 0.755*** (0.217) | – 0.742*** (0.200) |
Ln EI | – 0.529 (0.819) | 3.290* (1.853) | 3.028 (2.424) |
Nb of observations | 753 | 532 | 330 |
Long-run panel estimators (dependent variable – RE)
Note: *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10; Models with linear trends (except for OECD_15 – model with constant). I used pooled weighted and heterogeneous first-stage long-run coefficients; The standard errors are in the parenthesis; Akaike criterion for leads and lags. Even without adding K in the model (given the correlation with RY and NE), the results are qualitatively the same. Estimations are done with Eviews program.32 In the same line, the results of the table 10 indicate that a 1 % rise in real GDP enhance energy consumption from non-renewables by a value between 0.99 % (for OCDE_34) and 0.96 % (for OCDE_24 and OCDE_15) confirming the conservation hypothesis. Again, the results show that there is substituability relationship between renewable and nonrenewable energy use since coefficients are negative and significant in almost all samples. Estimates also suggest that energy intensity has a positive effect on nonrenewable energy use meaning that when energy intensity grows by 1 %, non-renewable energy use goes up by about 0.96 % – 0.98 %.
Long-run panel estimators (dependent variable – NE)
Variables | DOLS – OECD_34 | DOLS – OECD_24 | DOLS – OECD_15 |
Ln Y | 0.991*** (0.009) | 0.962*** (0.015) | 0.968*** (0.019) |
Ln RE | – 0.010*** (0.002) | – 0.018*** (0.003) | – 0.003 (0.003) |
Ln K | – 0.003 (0.004) | 0.016* (0.010) | 0.009 (0.012) |
Ln EI | 0.978*** (0.007) | 0.970*** (0.012) | 0.958*** (0.015) |
Nb of observations | 763 | 542 | 330 |
Long-run panel estimators (dependent variable – NE)
Note: *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10; Models with constant only; I used pooled weighted and heterogeneous first-stage long-run coefficients; The standard errors are in the parenthesis; Akaike criterion for leads and lags; Even without adding K in the equation (given the correlation), the results are qualitatively similar.Granger causality
33 Because the cointegration hypothesis has been validated, the next step is to search for the existence of causality between output growth and energy consumption. For this purpose, I apply the pooled mean group model (PMG) for dynamic heterogeneous panels by Pesaran, Shin and Smith [1999]. Based on the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model for time periods t = 1, 2,..., 25 and groups i = 1, 2,..., 35, the first model can be written as follows:
∑jq=−01γ′ ijΔlnXi, t − j+ uit[8]
∑jq=−01γ ″ijΔlnXi, t − j+ u′it[9]
34 where Yit is the GDPit dependent variable, Xit is the k × 1 vector of explanatory variables for group I, μi denotes the fixed effects, λij’s are scalar coefficients of the lagged dependent variables, yij’s are k × 1 coefficient vectors. I re-parameterize the Eq. (7) and obtain:
where uit are independently distributed across i and t, with zero means and
; and
38 The equation, in which the energy consumption is the dependent variable, is computed in the same way and is given by:
The PMG model is used to identify the short-run and the long-run causality among considered variables. It allows intercept, slope coefficient and
error variance to vary across countries, and therefore, to identify heterogeneity among countries of the panel. An alternative panel specification would
be the Mean Group (MG) estimator by Pesaran and Smith [1995] that does
not account for the fact that some economic conditions may be the same
across countries in the long run. The efficiency gain of PMG estimator comes
from the hypothesis of heterogeneous short-run dynamics and identical
long-run coefficient across countries. The PMG estimator allows assessing
two types of causality: a short-run causality by testing the significance of the
coefficients related to the lagged differences of economic and energy variables ( and respectively, γ ′ij) and a long-run causality associated to the
speed of adjustment coefficient or the error correction term (φi). The former
has to be negative to validate long-run equilibrium among the variables. A
larger value of (φi) implies a greater response of the variable to the deviation
from long-run equilibrium while a low value indicates that any deviation
from long-run equilibrium needs much longer time to force the variables
back to it. If the speed of adjustment coefficient is significant in both equations, bidirectional causality between energy use and economic growth
takes place.
40 Table 11 reports the results helping to choose the best estimation method by comparing the PMG estimates with those obtained by using MG method. The test of difference in these models is performed with the well-known Hausman test. The results are shown for the entire sample (the Hausman test results being qualitatively the same for the last two groups) and show that the PMG estimators are consistent and more efficient than the MG estimators.
Selection of the estimation model for OECD_34.
Model_OCDE_34 | ΔlnY | ΔlnRE | ΔlnNE | ΔlnK | ΔlnEI | ECT | Hausman test |
PMG | - |
– 0.01 (0.01) |
0.23*** (0.12) |
0.10*** (0.02) |
– 0.27*** (0.12) |
– 0.39*** (0.12) |
0.527 (p-value) |
MG | - |
– 0.01 (0.01) |
– 0.13 (0.41) |
0.12*** (0.02) |
0.09 (0.04) |
– 0.74 (0.42) |
Selection of the estimation model for OECD_34.
41 Table 12 presents the panel causality estimates of the panel vector error correction models. The number of lags of the selected variables was set according to the Akaike criterion. With respect to the long-run causality relationship between variables, the error correction terms suggest that there is a bi-directional causality between (non) renewable energy consumption and GDP growth in the long run (because the sign of the error correction term is negative and highly significant in all estimations which means that the system moves towards equilibrium). In other words, the speed of adjustment coefficients indicate that when the disequilibrium does occur, adjustments comming back to equilibrium take between 2,22 years and 12,5 years (computed as the inverse of the absolute value of the error correction parameter).
42 Looking at the outcomes for the short-run, it turns out that the energy consumption from non-renewable sources Granger causes growth for all selected samples: OCDE_34, OECD_24 and OCDE_15 which validates the growth hypothesis (the impact being slightly larger for OECD_24). Furthermore, the findings suggest that the GDP growth has a positive and significant effect on the energy consumption from non-renewable sources. This fact validates the conservation hypothesis (the impact being greater for the OECD_15). Hence, the results confirm the feed-back hypothesis concerning the relationship between NE and Y for both the long-run and the short-run. These results are slightly different from those of Giraud et Kahraman [2014] which found only an unidirectional causality from energy use to growth in the short and the long-run or from those of Coers and Sanders [2013] identifying an unidirectional causality from growth to energy use. In terms of policy implications, investors and managers need to understand that the long-run elasticity of income is positive and statistically significant (in all samples) suggesting the relevance of the income in the dynamics of nonrenewable sources of energy.
43 The economic growth has also an influence on renewable sources of energy. The estimates show that the effects of energy consumption from renewable sources on economic growth are negative and not significant in the short-run. Differently, the economic growth influences negatively and significantly renewable energy consumption only in the OECD_15 country sample. This result means that a 1 % increase in the GDP growth per capita decreases the renewable energy use, on average, by a value equal to 4.56 %. Overall, “the feed-back hypothesis” is validated in the long-run for both sources of energy use. Regarding the behavior of energy consumption from renewable sources, estimates validate the conservation hypothesis only for OECD_15 sample.
44 The short and long-run causality estimates show interesting results on the relationship between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. It could be argued that renewable energy consumption positively affects the non-renewable ones for two sub-samples chosen for testing the sensitivity of the estimates: the OECD_15 and OECD_24. For the short-run, this finding means that a 1 % increase in renewable energy use raises, on average, the non-renewable energy use by a value between 0.03 % and 0.04 %. In this case, they can be seen as complements rather than substitutes. Furthermore, the short-run impact of non-renewable energy use on renewable energy use is also positive and significant for the same sub-samples: OECD_24 and OECD_15 (the last group having a greater impact). An increase of 10 % of energy use per capita from non-renewable sources induces, on average, a rise of about 8 % or 32 % of renewable energy consumption. This result shows evidence again for a potential complementarity between nonrenewable energy and renewable energy use. It is interesting to remark that, DOLS estimations have suggested substitutability between the two types of energy sources in the long-run. A possible explanation, widely accepted in the literature, is that strong substitution relationship might be possible in the (very) long-run as the innovation expands the range of technological possibilities. But, for the medium to short run horizons, these possibilities are less plausible since renewable energy has difficulty to replace fossil fuels used as intermediate products. Kumar et al. [2014] argue that this elasticity could be explained by the inertia of existing equipment and the technical constraints imposed on the system by the energy carriers that transform primary into final energy and into specific energy services. Finally, the effects of the other explanatory variables (the capital formation and the energy efficiency) are not clear in the short-run; they are positive or negative, significant or non-significant among the three selected models. For example, it could be observed a bi-directional and positive causality between capital and growth meaning that higher growth rates tend to increase capital formation (and vice-versa) which is in line with theoretical predictions. Furthermore, energy consumption from non-renewable sources indirectly influences economic growth through its positive and significant effects on gross fixed capital formation. The results also show that energy intensity has a negative and significant impact on economic growth and on energy consumption from renewable sources, whilst its effects on non-renewable energy use are positive and significant.
45 Because gross fixed capital formation is correlated with non-renewable energy consumption, I performed another sensitivity analysis by estimating the models that do not include this variable. From the table 13, results show that the feed-back hypothesis is again validated, in the long-run, for all samples (except for OECD_15 when the dependent variable is the GDP growth). In the short-run time period, estimates indicate a negative and significant effect of GDP growth on renewable energy use as in the previous estimations (the magnitude of impact being significant and greater for OECD_24 and OECD_15). Conversely, the impact of GDP growth on nonrenewable energy consumption is positive and significant in all three OECD groups, validating once more the conservation hypothesis. Finally, the growth hypothesis is confirmed only for the sub-samples: OECD_24 and OECD_15. Overall, the outcomes confirm the feed-back hypothesis in the long-run for both sources of energy. In the short-run, this assumption is validated only for non-renewable energy consumption. Hence, economic policies should address growth and expansion of renewable energy sector concurrently by financing R & D activities on promising renewable technologies and related infrastructure to make renewable energy sources in an enhanced market position than fossil fuels, and also by promoting regional cooperation and sustainable development between countries.
46 Substitution relationship from non-renewable energy use to renewable energy use holds in the long-run, for all panel groups, whilst in the short-run, this is true only for the OECD_34. However, the positive and significant effect of renewable energy use on non-renewable energy consumption indicates also a complementarily link between these two forms of energy which is more likely to happen in the short-run because fossil fuels, often used as intermediate products, cannot be so quickly replaced by renewable sources. This small flexibility might be explained by the inertia of existing equipments or by other technical constraints of the industry system. Policy makers should, at least, in a transition phase, examine the location layout of industrial sector and consider substitution elasticity between renewable energy and fossil fuel to reduce CO2 emission and to better protect the environment.
Dep. variables | Model 1: ΔlnY | Model 2: ΔlnRE | Model 3: ΔlnNE | Model 4: ΔlnK | Model 5: ΔlnEI | ||||||||||||
Method PMG | S1 | S2 | S3 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S2 | S3 | |||
Sources of causation (independent variables) | Long-run | PANEL A: Panel causality test with both RE and NE | |||||||||||||||
ECT (φi) |
– 0.39a (0.12) |
– 0.26a (0.07) |
– 0.33a (0.09) |
– 0.28a (0.08) |
– 0.45a (0.07) |
– 0.23a (0.10) |
– 0.31a (0.07) |
– 0.42a (0.12) |
– 0.17a (0.04) |
– 0.18a (0.05) |
– 0.16a (0.06) |
– 0.20a (0.06) |
– 0.14b (0.06) |
– 0.08a (0.03) | |||
Short-run | |||||||||||||||||
ΔlnY | - | - | - |
– 0.70 (0.50) |
– 0.57 (0.76) |
– 4.56a (1.14) |
0.66a (0.10) |
0.48a (0.15) |
0.70a (0.10) |
1.89a (0.30) |
1.87a (0.39) |
0.65 (0.66) |
– 0.01 (0.02) |
– 0.74a* (0.08) | |||
ΔlnRE |
– 0.01 (0.01) |
– 0.002 (0.10) |
– 0.01 (0.01) | - | - | - |
– 0.01 (0.01) |
0.04a (0.01) |
0.03a (0.01) |
– 0.06c (0.03) |
– 0.05 (0.04) |
– 0.01 (0.04) |
– 0.07a (0.01) |
– 0.06a* (0.03) | |||
ΔlnNE |
0.23b (0.12) |
0.33a (0.06) |
0.27a (0.08) |
– 0,06 (0.28) |
0.78b (0.41) |
3.24a (1.22) | - | - | - |
0.16 (0.23) |
0.17 (0.27) |
1.24b (0.52) |
0.68a (0.06) |
0.64a (0.06) | |||
ΔlnK |
0.10a (0.02) |
0.11a (0.02) |
0.13a (0.03) |
– 0.06 (0.12) |
– 0.10 (0.19) |
0.23 (0.28) |
– 0.05a (0.02) |
– 0.03 (0.02) |
– 0.03 (0.03) | - | - | - |
– 0.01 (0.02) |
0.03 (0.03) | |||
ΔlnEI |
– 0.27b (0.12) |
– 0.35a (0.06) |
– 0.30a (0.08) |
– 0.56a (0.44) |
– 1.21a (0.44) |
– 3.97a (1.07) |
0.64a (0.07) |
0.53a (0.12) |
0.70a (0.07) |
– 0.16 (0.27) |
– 0.20 (0.30) |
– 1.24b (0.57) | - | - | |||
No. obs. | 780 | 550 | 345 | 780 | 550 | 345 | 814 | 550 | 345 | 780 | 550 | 345 | 550 | 345 |
Panel causality results
Note: (i) all equations includes a constant country specific term +/- a trend; (ii) a, b, c means p < 0.01, p < 0.05, and p < 0.10; iii) the standard errors are in the parenthesis; iv) the selected ARDL (1,2,2,2,2) in almost all equations; v) lag terms are not shown; vi) S1 – OECD_34; S2-OECD_24 and S3-OECD_15; vii) a* or b*- means that the lags coefficients of the related independent variable are significant and have the same sign.Dep. variables | Model 1: Δln Y | Model 2: ΔlnRE | Model 3: ΔlnNE | Model 4: ΔlnEI | |||||||||
Method PMG | S1 | S2 | S3 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S1 | S2 | S3 | S1 | S2 | S3 | |
Sources of causation (independent variables) | Long-run | ||||||||||||
PANEL B: Panel causality test with both RE and NE | |||||||||||||
ECT (φi) |
– 6.62c (3.90) |
– 0.02c (0.01) |
0.004 (0.01) |
– 0.19a (0.04) |
– 0.15a (0.04) |
– 0.23a (0.07) |
– 0.31a (0.07) |
– 0.14a (0.06) |
– 0.20a (0.06) |
– 0.12b (0.03) |
– 0.11b (0.05) |
– 0.03c- (0.02) | |
Short-run | |||||||||||||
Δln Y | - | - | - |
– 0.21 (0.32) |
– 0.84b (0.34) |
– 1.70a (0.28) |
0.57a (0.09) |
0.74a (0.07) |
0.70a (0.08) |
0.78a (0.05) |
– 0.71a (0.06) |
– 0.80a (0.06) | |
Δln RE |
– 0.02b (0.01) |
– 0.02c (0.01) |
– 0.02c (0.01) | - | - | - |
0.01 (0.01) |
0.03a (0.01) |
0.04a (0.01) |
– 0.03b (0.01) |
– 0.04a (0.01) |
– 0.04a (0.01) | |
Δln NE |
– 5.84 (3.89) |
0.76a (0.04) |
0.81a (0.04) |
– 0.49c (0.26) |
0.11 (0.26) |
0.74a (0.27) | - | - | - |
0.74a (0.06) |
0.74a (0.05) |
0.78a (0.05) | |
Δln EI (3.89) |
5.79 (0.05) |
– 0.78a (0.06) |
– 0.89a (0.32) |
– 0.09 (0.30) |
– 1.10a (0.24) |
– 1.58a (0.07) |
0.64a (0.06) |
0.81a (0.06) | 0.78a | - | - | - | |
No. obs. | 780 | 550 | 345 | 814 | 574 | 360 | 814 | 550 | 360 | 780 | 550 | 345 | |
ARDL | (2,2,2,2) | (2,2,2,2) | (2,2,2,2) | (1,1,1,1) | (1,1,1,1) | (1,1,1,1) | (1,1,1,1) | (2,2,2,2) | (1,1,1,1) | (3,3,3,3) | (2,2,2,2) | (2,2,2,2) |
Panel causality results – Robustness checks
Note: (i) all equations includes a constant country specific term +/- a trend; (ii) a, b, c means p < 0.01, p < 0.05 and p < 0.10; iii) the standard errors are in the parenthesis; iv) lag terms are not shown; v) S1-OECD_34; S2-OECD_24 and S3-OECD_15; v) the ARDL models in italic are most efficient by using 2 or 3 lags of independent variables, but results are qualitatively similar with ARDL (1,1,1,1) as in Giraud and Kahraman [2014]; vii) c- means that p < 0.1063.4. Conclusions
47 Although fossil fuels cover a large part of today’s energy market, promising new technologies are emerging to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, to protect natural environment and to ensure the energy security of countries. For a variety of reasons, the fact that fossil fuels are in limited quantities led to an increasing interest in using the renewable forms of energy and high-quality technologies to increase their efficiency level.
48 This paper presents new findings about the causal relationships between energy consumption coming from renewable and non-renewable sources and economic growth for three country specific samples: 34 OECD countries, 24 former OECD countries and 15 OECD over the 1990-2014 period. To this end, it uses up-to-date panel techniques such as those proposed by Kao and Chiang [2000], Pesaran, Shin and Smith [1999] and Pesaran and Smith [1995]. Outcomes show evidence for a long-run bi-directional causality between renewable (and non-renewable) energy consumption and economic growth given that the error correction coefficients are negative and highly significant in all related sub-samples. The results are in line with the empirical literature (Belke et al. [2011]; Salim et al. [2014]) only on the long-run horizon. The presence of bi-directional causality confirms the feed-back hypothesis given that renewable and non-renewable energy use and economic growth are jointly dependent. The interdependence between these two types of energy sources suggests that policies supporting both forms of energy have a stimulant effect on economic growth. Although nonrenewable energy consumption has resulted from the estimates (particularly, from the long-run DOLS estimations) as being a key energy ingredient in the OECD energy consumption mix, the renewable energy sources cannot be disregarded at all. On contrary, given that the major benefit of renewable sources resides in its force to reduce greenhouse emissions and to protect environment, governments have to support the development of this burgeoning energy sector as well as the implementation of carbon taxes to discourage the use of non-renewables (as a conventional energy source) and to protect environment. Furthermore, such “new-generation” energy policies will contribute to a complete decarbonisation of the energy sector for achieving sustainable development goals of 21 century.
49 The short-run findings indicate a negative and significant linkage between renewable energy consumption and GDP growth for OECD_15 and a positive one between non-renewable energy sources and economic growth in the case of all three selected samples. This means that a marginal increase in the GDP growth in OECD countries tend to increase the energy consumption coming from non-renewables countries (and vice-versa). Conversely, regarding the reaction of the renewable energy consumption, it turns out to be a negative relationship between this new source of energy and the GDP growth. This could mean that a marginal increase in GDP growth tends to decrease investments in the renewable sources of energy and encourages investments in fossil fuels.
50 The long-run negative impact of non-renewable energy consumption on renewable energy consumption suggests substituability between these two forms of energy sources. The potential substituability is underlined also in the case of the impact of renewable energy use on non-renewable energy consumption. The presence of substituability in the long-run between renewable and non-renewable energy should encourage government’s policies to modernize the energy sector by expanding renewable energy sector, by increasing its accessibility and by limiting the use of conventional sources of energy (such as natural gas, oil and coal) for the energy consuming industries. But, substitution from non-renewable energy to renewable energy (or vice-versa) does not take place in the short-run where results show that there is complementally relationship between renewable and nonrenewable energy use (since the coefficients are positive and significant). These results are not contradictory for the reason that strong substitution relationship might be possible only in the long-run as the innovation expands the range of technological possibilities. In the medium to short run, these possibilities are theoretically less plausible because it is more difficult for renewable sources to replace effortlessly the fossil fuels used as intermediate products in different industries. In this context, economic growth is essential in obtaining the resources required to invest in the research and the development of renewable energy technologies. Because each country reacts in a different way to the substitution challenge between fossil fuels and renewable energy because of their different development levels of their industries, it should be interesting, at least, in a transition phase, that location layout of industrial sector consider substitution elasticity between renewable energy and fossil fuel, and applicability of new GHG emission management approach to reduce CO2 emission and to better protect the environment.
51 Overall, these outcomes validate the “feed-back hypothesis” in the long run, and partially, in the short-run (for non-renewable sources of energy). They are consistent, for example, with those of Apergis and Payne [2010, 2011, 2012] for non-renewable sources of energy, and with Chien and Hu [2007] or Tiwari [2011] for renewable energy use. They suggest that economic policies should address the growth and the expansion of renewable energy sector simultaneously. This is possible by financing R & D investment in promising renewable technologies and related infrastructure network to make renewable energy sources more competitive than fossil fuels, and also by promoting regional cooperation and development for clean-energy efficiency between countries.
6. Appendix
Main descriptive statistics by country: 1990-2014 period
Mean | 907,4 | 10,2 | 219,2 | 7,9 | 154,8 |
Standard Deviation | 217,3 | 1,3 | 88,9 | 0,8 | 16,8 |
Minimum | 608,8 | 8,5 | 109,3 | 6,7 | 126,8 |
Maximum | 1272,5 | 12,4 | 373,5 | 9,1 | 179,2 |
Mean | 341,7 | 4,0 | 82,5 | 27,4 | 96,6 |
Standard Deviation | 49,9 | 0,3 | 7,8 | 3,6 | 5,5 |
Minimum | 259,4 | 3,5 | 65,7 | 22,6 | 85,6 |
Maximum | 407,0 | 4,5 | 93,1 | 34,5 | 107,0 |
Mean | 420,2 | 4,5 | 93,5 | 2,8 | 147,4 |
Standard Deviation | 58,8 | 0,3 | 14,3 | 2,2 | 16,1 |
Minimum | 330,6 | 4,0 | 74,2 | 0,9 | 118,0 |
Maximum | 499,5 | 5,0 | 115,8 | 7,4 | 170,3 |
Mean | 1374,3 | 17,0 | 293,1 | 20,7 | 212,9 |
Standard Deviation | 257,2 | 1,7 | 84,0 | 0,4 | 27,1 |
Minimum | 992,5 | 14,7 | 184,3 | 20,0 | 169,3 |
Maximum | 1773,5 | 19,7 | 417,6 | 21,5 | 249,9 |
Mean | 165,8 | 6,6 | 31,0 | 32,0 | 103,5 |
Standard Deviation | 52,0 | 1,1 | 15,2 | 2,7 | 5,7 |
Minimum | 80,2 | 5,0 | 10,8 | 27,0 | 93,7 |
Maximum | 257,2 | 8,7 | 59,9 | 38,6 | 115,8 |
Mean | 168,9 | 5,2 | 44,3 | 6,4 | 186,2 |
Standard Deviation | 32,3 | 0,1 | 10,8 | 2,5 | 35,0 |
Minimum | 126,7 | 4,9 | 23,4 | 2,6 | 137,6 |
Maximum | 212,7 | 5,3 | 61,3 | 10,9 | 247,4 |
Mean | 292,4 | 2,9 | 55,1 | 14,1 | 88,7 |
Standard Deviation | 35,1 | 0,0 | 11,1 | 7,1 | 13,1 |
Minimum | 229,2 | 2,8 | 36,2 | 7,0 | 67,3 |
Maximum | 334,0 | 3,0 | 73,4 | 27,6 | 111,2 |
Mean | 16,3 | 0,7 | 3,9 | 17,6 | 233,8 |
Standard Deviation | 4,9 | 0,0 | 2,0 | 6,8 | 69,5 |
Minimum | 10,5 | 0,7 | 1,4 | 3,4 | 153,2 |
Maximum | 23,6 | 0,8 | 7,7 | 25,1 | 341,7 |
Mean | 211,2 | 2,6 | 47,7 | 30,7 | 186,9 |
Standard Deviation | 39,0 | 0,1 | 9,4 | 4,4 | 22,1 |
Minimum | 150,9 | 2,5 | 29,4 | 24,1 | 155,7 |
Maximum | 262,3 | 2,7 | 61,3 | 39,1 | 227,1 |
France | GDPR | LF | GFK | RE | NE |
Mean | 2363,5 | 28,0 | 517,4 | 10,4 | 119,0 |
Standard Deviation | 297,7 | 1,5 | 77,3 | 1,3 | 11,1 |
Minimum | 1907,4 | 25,8 | 405,7 | 8,6 | 98,3 |
Maximum | 2729,6 | 30,2 | 629,4 | 12,6 | 136,1 |
Mean | 3138,2 | 40,8 | 641,4 | 5,9 | 110,5 |
Standard Deviation | 310,9 | 1,2 | 46,2 | 3,8 | 14,3 |
Minimum | 2568,8 | 37,3 | 556,3 | 2,0 | 86,1 |
Maximum | 3624,4 | 42,8 | 723,6 | 12,4 | 140,5 |
Mean | 257,6 | 4,8 | 49,1 | 8,8 | 93,8 |
Standard Deviation | 44,2 | 0,3 | 15,5 | 2,2 | 6,2 |
Minimum | 197,7 | 4,2 | 28,2 | 6,8 | 83,7 |
Maximum | 332,1 | 5,1 | 81,6 | 13,9 | 100,4 |
Mean | 113,7 | 4,3 | 23,8 | 6,2 | 136,5 |
Standard Deviation | 19,1 | 0,1 | 5,7 | 2,1 | 26,1 |
Minimum | 87,9 | 4,1 | 15,2 | 3,9 | 96,6 |
Maximum | 138,2 | 4,5 | 31,9 | 10,2 | 176,6 |
Mean | 10,9 | 0,2 | 2,6 | 67,4 | 338,1 |
Standard Deviation | 2,6 | 0,0 | 1,0 | 6,5 | 62,1 |
Minimum | 7,5 | 0,1 | 1,5 | 57,8 | 268,6 |
Maximum | 14,5 | 0,2 | 5,4 | 78,1 | 459,0 |
Mean | 169,0 | 1,8 | 37,6 | 3,4 | 90,2 |
Standard Deviation | 58,6 | 0,3 | 14,8 | 1,9 | 24,5 |
Minimum | 80,8 | 1,3 | 16,0 | 1,9 | 57,2 |
Maximum | 241,3 | 2,3 | 63,0 | 7,1 | 132,5 |
Mean | 177,6 | 2,6 | 37,7 | 6,9 | 111,1 |
Standard Deviation | 51,9 | 0,6 | 7,1 | 1,2 | 10,6 |
Minimum | 95,6 | 1,7 | 31,5 | 5,4 | 90,4 |
Maximum | 268,4 | 3,7 | 53,6 | 9,0 | 126,0 |
Mean | 2013,8 | 24,0 | 401,9 | 6,4 | 82,1 |
Standard Deviation | 150,7 | 0,9 | 50,7 | 2,8 | 3,4 |
Minimum | 1749,3 | 22,8 | 324,7 | 3,8 | 72,1 |
Maximum | 2234,6 | 25,8 | 488,2 | 12,1 | 85,6 |
Mean | 5181,7 | 66,5 | 1289,2 | 4,1 | 117,8 |
Standard Deviation | 331,8 | 1,0 | 108,5 | 0,3 | 8,8 |
Minimum | 4553,1 | 63,8 | 1098,6 | 3,4 | 97,5 |
Maximum | 5644,7 | 68,0 | 1453,7 | 4,6 | 127,4 |
Mean | 793,4 | 23,1 | 268,3 | 1,0 | 178,0 |
Standard Deviation | 267,3 | 2,1 | 58,1 | 0,4 | 13,3 |
Minimum | 377,1 | 19,2 | 156,7 | 0,4 | 156,4 |
Maximum | 1234,3 | 26,4 | 357,7 | 1,6 | 199,4 |
Mean | 19,8 | 1,2 | 4,2 | 33,0 | 155,5 |
Standard Deviation | 6,2 | 0,1 | 2,5 | 6,1 | 50,9 |
Minimum | 12,7 | 1,0 | 1,3 | 17,6 | 100,2 |
Maximum | 29,9 | 1,4 | 9,5 | 40,4 | 227,1 |
Luxembourg | GDPR | LF | GFK | RE | NE |
Mean | 41,3 | 0,2 | 7,8 | 3,3 | 108,2 |
Standard Deviation | 10,7 | 0,0 | 2,3 | 1,6 | 24,0 |
Minimum | 24,5 | 0,2 | 4,3 | 1,3 | 74,6 |
Maximum | 57,8 | 0,3 | 11,3 | 6,9 | 157,2 |
Mean | 892,4 | 42,5 | 179,4 | 11,5 | 101,6 |
Standard Deviation | 169,8 | 7,4 | 50,1 | 1,6 | 6,0 |
Minimum | 619,5 | 30,6 | 100,5 | 9,4 | 92,6 |
Maximum | 1178,8 | 55,6 | 254,2 | 14,2 | 114,4 |
Mean | 723,3 | 8,2 | 152,8 | 2,4 | 115,2 |
Standard Deviation | 114,5 | 0,7 | 24,2 | 1,3 | 13,7 |
Minimum | 530,6 | 6,9 | 113,3 | 1,2 | 93,9 |
Maximum | 857,2 | 9,0 | 194,5 | 4,7 | 140,1 |
Mean | 122,9 | 2,1 | 24,4 | 29,5 | 144,4 |
Standard Deviation | 25,5 | 0,3 | 7,6 | 1,3 | 15,9 |
Minimum | 83,7 | 1,6 | 11,9 | 26,8 | 121,9 |
Maximum | 162,1 | 2,4 | 38,0 | 32,2 | 166,6 |
Mean | 371,1 | 2,4 | 74,6 | 58,6 | 100,8 |
Standard Deviation | 63,9 | 0,2 | 21,0 | 1,5 | 8,6 |
Minimum | 255,7 | 2,1 | 45,4 | 56,3 | 89,2 |
Maximum | 459,0 | 2,7 | 108,4 | 61,4 | 116,7 |
Mean | 357,3 | 17,6 | 67,1 | 7,1 | 173,5 |
Standard Deviation | 105,3 | 0,4 | 27,9 | 2,5 | 57,1 |
Minimum | 211,0 | 17,2 | 28,0 | 2,1 | 104,2 |
Maximum | 534,6 | 18,3 | 112,8 | 11,1 | 281,1 |
Portugal | GDPR | LF | GFK | RE | NE |
Mean | 212,0 | 5,2 | 45,8 | 23,4 | 86,8 |
Standard Deviation | 25,2 | 0,3 | 8,5 | 2,8 | 5,1 |
Minimum | 166,6 | 4,7 | 33,9 | 18,1 | 77,5 |
Maximum | 241,1 | 5,6 | 58,0 | 27,8 | 94,2 |
Mean | 65,7 | 2,6 | 16,8 | 6,1 | 201,1 |
Standard Deviation | 19,8 | 0,1 | 3,6 | 2,9 | 62,6 |
Minimum | 40,7 | 2,5 | 11,6 | 2,1 | 107,6 |
Maximum | 96,9 | 2,7 | 22,6 | 10,5 | 300,2 |
Mean | 39,5 | 1,0 | 9,1 | 14,5 | 144,1 |
Standard Deviation | 7,7 | 0,1 | 2,9 | 2,8 | 19,0 |
Minimum | 30,0 | 0,8 | 4,3 | 10,2 | 116,2 |
Maximum | 51,4 | 1,0 | 15,1 | 19,3 | 168,3 |
Mean | 1192,0 | 19,6 | 291,5 | 10,2 | 93,1 |
Standard Deviation | 218,3 | 3,0 | 74,8 | 2,8 | 7,1 |
Minimum | 873,2 | 15,8 | 188,5 | 7,3 | 77,2 |
Maximum | 1484,5 | 23,7 | 434,1 | 15,7 | 99,8 |
Mean | 411,2 | 4,7 | 91,3 | 39,2 | 150,7 |
Standard Deviation | 72,9 | 0,2 | 20,1 | 6,2 | 26,6 |
Minimum | 307,2 | 4,4 | 57,3 | 31,4 | 109,4 |
Maximum | 517,6 | 5,1 | 124,0 | 49,9 | 188,7 |
Mean | 3,0 | 0,3 | 0,5 | 54,6 | 52,3 |
Standard Deviation | 0,5 | 0,1 | 0,1 | 21,6 | 5,4 |
Minimum | 2,1 | 0,3 | 0,3 | 37,5 | 42,5 |
Maximum | 3,9 | 0,5 | 0,6 | 92,0 | 56,7 |
Mean | 565,2 | 22,7 | 101,2 | 17,9 | 88,2 |
Standard Deviation | 164,6 | 2,6 | 37,8 | 4,5 | 3,0 |
Minimum | 350,2 | 19,1 | 56,4 | 12,4 | 81,9 |
Maximum | 871,8 | 28,4 | 165,8 | 24,6 | 92,4 |
UK | GDPR | LF | GFK | RE | NE |
Mean | 2114,7 | 30,3 | 362,9 | 1,8 | 109,2 |
Standard Deviation | 342,0 | 1,5 | 61,7 | 1,3 | 21,8 |
Minimum | 1593,2 | 28,6 | 249,8 | 0,6 | 72,2 |
Maximum | 2605,6 | 33,0 | 455,0 | 4,4 | 141,5 |
USA | GDPR | LF | GFK | RE | NE |
Mean | 12827,9 | 147,3 | 2562,9 | 5,8 | 170,0 |
Standard Deviation | 2344,8 | 10,6 | 554,3 | 1,4 | 25,0 |
Minimum | 9057,7 | 128,2 | 1585,8 | 4,1 | 133,8 |
Maximum | 16156,6 | 161,1 | 3257,7 | 8,2 | 208,8 |
Main descriptive statistics by country: 1990-2014 period
Note: the real GDP and the fixed brut capital formation (GKF) is expressed in mld. The labor force (LF) variable is expressed in millions.References
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Mots-clés éditeurs : le lien entre la consommation d’énergie et la croissance économique, l’énergie renouvelable, la cointégration sur données en panel dynamique et les pays de l’OCDE
Date de mise en ligne : 09/02/2018