Sociology researcher at the Direction de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse (DPJJ), associate researcher at Dysolab (University of Rouen Normandie) and fellow of the Institut convergences migrations (ICM). Research topics: international migration; social mobility; educational and student trajectories; inequalities.
In Agora débats/jeunesses (2023/2 No 94)
In Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales (2018/5 No 225)
In Agora débats/jeunesses (2023/2 No 94)
In Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales (2018/5 No 225)
In Plein droit (2019/4 n° 123)
In Autrepart (2013/4 No 67-68)
In Politix (2018/3 No 123)
In Agora débats/jeunesses (2023/2 No 94)
In Revue européenne des migrations internationales (2021/3 Vol. 37)
In Politique africaine (2020/3 No 159)
In Politix (2018/3 No 123)
In Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales (2018/5 No 225)
In Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales (2018/5 No 225)
In Autrepart (2013/4 No 67-68)
In Sociologie (2013/4 Vol. 4)
In Mots. Les langages du politique (2012/3 No 100)
In Afrique contemporaine (2012/1 No 241), a leading platform for French-language scientific publications, aims to promote the dissemination of high-quality research while fostering the independence and diversity of actors within the knowledge ecosystem.