Daniel Schade



Daniel Schade is currently a visiting assistant professor at Cornell University’s Department of Government. His research focuses on the European Union’s external relations and the role of parliaments in security and EU policymaking.

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Journal article

Untying the knot: Brexit and administrative disintegration in CFSP and CSDP structures

In Politique européenne (2021/4 No 70)

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Journal article

Untying the knot: Brexit and administrative disintegration in CFSP and CSDP structures

In Politique européenne (2020/4 N° 70)


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Journal article

Untying the knot: Brexit and administrative disintegration in CFSP and CSDP structures

In La politique étrangère européenne face au Brexit (2021/4 No 70)

Journal article

Untying the knot: Brexit and administrative disintegration in CFSP and CSDP structures

In La politique étrangère européenne face au Brexit (2020/4 N° 70)


Humanities and Social Sciences

Science, Technology, and Medicine

Law and Administration


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