Couverture de REDP_315

Numéro de revue

Back to Front: The Role of Seminars, Conferences and Workshops in the History of Economics

Revue d'économie politique
2021/5 Vol. 131

106 pages


Back to Front: The Role of Seminars, Conferences and Workshops in the History of Economics

Article de revue

Back to Front: The Role of Seminars, Conferences and Workshops in the History of Economics. Preface to the Second Issue

Article de revue

They Never Walked Alone. Workshop, Seminars, Conferences and the Making of Virginia Political Economy

Article de revue

An Army of Fighters for Freedom. The social environment of the first Mont-Pèlerin Society conference

Article de revue

The Cowles Summer Research Conferences on Economics and Statistics 1935-1940: Building a Community for Mathematical Economics and Econometrics

Article de revue

From Multidisciplinarity to Interdisciplinarity: on The Role of the Seminar as an Interface for Exchange, The case of the Seminar on Trust and Social change (1985-1986)

Date de parution 03/11/2021

Mise en ligne 15/11/2021

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