Couverture de REDP_313

Numéro de revue

Expectations in Past and Modern Economic Theory

Revue d'économie politique
2021/3 Vol. 131

292 pages


Article de revue

Expectations in Past and Modern Economic Theory. Foreword

Article de revue

Taking expectations seriously: A leitmotif in Stockholm School economics

Article de revue

Keynes’s methodology and the analysis of economic agent behavior in a complex world

Article de revue

Great Expectations. Hicks on expectations from Theory of Wages [1932] to Value and Capital [1939]

Article de revue

When Muth’s entrepreneurs meet Schrödinger’s cat

Article de revue

Understanding expectational coordination as a major intellectual challenge: The “eductive” guide line

Article de revue

Rational expectations in a changing world

Article de revue

Expectations and full employment. Hansen, Samuelson and Lange

Article de revue

Information and expectations in policy-making: Friedman’s changing approaches to macroeconomic dynamics

Article de revue

From the Stagflation to the Great Inflation: Explaining the US economy of the 1970s

Article de revue

Theories of Learning and Economic Policy

Date de parution 06/07/2021

Mise en ligne 09/07/2021

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