Couverture de JIE_043

Numéro de revue

Responsible Innovation

Theoretical Debates and Facts Trends

Journal of Innovation Economics & Management
2024/1 N° 43

337 pages


Could the responsible innovation approach reconcile citizens with innovation? The dark side of innovation often comes to the fore in debates and in facts: negative effects on employment (flexibility, job insecurity), on the natural and social environment, on living standards, etc. Research on responsible innovation focuses on the question of governance (at the level of companies, public policies and society in general) of the innovation process, in order to bring it into line with the global issues linked to sustainability, be they environmental (climate change, biodiversity), social (poverty, social justice) or economic (employment, lifestyle).

The authors of this special issue of Innovations, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management use rigorous methods to tackle a series of important challenges and perspectives concerning the concept of responsible innovation. Given the importance of theoretical debates and factual trends in innovation studies, this special issue brings together contributions that open up new avenues of research and stimulate further investigation, rather than providing conclusive statements.


Article de revue


The Origin, Robustness, and Future of Responsible Innovation

Article de revue

Implementation Challenges of Innovation Policies Fostering Sustainability: Evidence from a French Public Grant for Technological Startups

Article de revue

The Features of Student Entrepreneurs as Leaders of Social, Environmental and Sustainable Entrepreneurial Projects

Article de revue

Peer Production as Mindful and Responsible Innovation: The Case of Fabricademy

Article de revue

Toward “Generative” Corporate Governance for Responsible Innovation: The Case of a French Mission Committee

Article de revue

A Model of Breakthrough Innovation: Simultaneity of Discovery and Invention

Article de revue

Grand Challenges, Innovation Policy, and Contests

Illustrative Cases in the United States and Europe

Article de revue

Responsible innovation and digital platforms: The case of online food delivery

Article de revue

Innovation Strategy and Firm Competitiveness: A Framework to Support the Holistic Integration of Eco-Innovation

Article de revue

Innovation Amidst Turmoil: A SenseMaker Study of Managerial Responses to the COVID‑19 Crisis in Germany

Trends and comments

Article de revue

Knowledge Management, Knowledge Capital and Knowledge Capitalism

Nico Stehr, Knowledge Capitalism, Routledge, 2022, 392 pages. Jin Chen, Ikujiro Nonaka (eds) (2022), The Routledge Companion to Knowledge Management, Routledge Companions, 331 pages.

Article de revue

Vanessa Casadella, Dimitri Uzunidis (eds) (2023), Agri-Innovations and Development Challenges: Engineering, Value Chains, and Socio-economic Models, Innovation in Engineering and Technology, London, ISTE/Wiley, 302 p.

Article de revue

Paul Bouvier-Patron (2023), Frugal Innovation and Innovative Creation, Smart Innovation, London, ISTE/Wiley, 358 p.

Date de parution 19/01/2024

Mise en ligne 28/01/2024

ISBN 9782807380431

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