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Journal issue


Revue française de sociologie
2008/2 Vol. 49

240 pages

Table of contents

Journal article

Punishment in Middle School

Social Determinants of Punishments and Their Interpretation

Journal article

Arab Intellectuals and Parisian Orientalism, 1955–1980: How Should We Conceive of Changing Knowledge in the Humanities?

Journal article

A British Bureaucratic Revolution?

Autonomy Without Control, or “Freer Markets, More Rules”

Journal article

A Crime without Deviance: Workplace Theft as a Routine Activity

Journal article

Professional World and Market for Lumbering

Journal article

Intersecting Views on Lucien Karpik’s L’Economie des singularités

Coordinated by Philippe Steiner

Critical Commentary

Journal article

Is an Economy of Singularities Possible?

Journal article

The Existence and Scope of the Economy of Singularities

Journal article


Publication date: 09/10/2008

Uploaded: 09/10/2008

ISBN 9782708012066


Humanities and Social Sciences

Science, Technology, and Medicine

Law and Administration

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