Couverture de E_RFSE_014

Journal issue

Recruiting: Challenges and Selection

Revue Française de Socio-Économie
2014/2 No 14

276 pages

Table of contents

Journal article

Editorial: What Exactly Do We Mean by Labor Shortages?

Journal article

Awards of the Doctoral Research Group “Economics and Sociology” and Revue Française de Socio-Économie

Recruiting Extras for Film and TV: The Role of the French National Employment Agency for Artists in Recruiting Extras, a Public Intermediary in the Image Market

Special Report: Recruiting: Challenges and Selection

Journal article

Introduction to the Special Report

Recruiting: Challenges and Selection

Journal article

Recruiting Doctors Within a Palliative Care Unit

Selections, Designation, and Accreditations

Journal article

Sandwich Training and the Risk of Being Overselective

Journal article

When Companies Go Shopping: Hiring Channels and Selection in Labor Markets

Journal article

The “Hiring by Training” Method in the French Public Employment Service: A “Product” to be Placed?

Journal article

The “Professionalization of Recruitment” Through the Lens of Selection Systems

Journal article

Interview with François Eymard-Duvernay and Emmanuelle Marchal

Miscellaneous Contributions

Journal article

How Do Professionals Understand their Markets? The Case of the Sports Goods Industry

Journal article

Trust in Trading Relationships: The Case of the Kribi Fish Market

Journal article

Job Quality after Unemployment

Critical Reviews

Journal article

A Radical Deconstruction of the Theory of Neoclassical Economics

On Steve Keen’s L’Imposture économique [Debunking Economics, 2011] Ivry-sur-Seine: Éditions de l’Atelier, 2014, 530pp.

Journal article

Intermittent Employment, Permanent Struggle: The Case of Entertainment Workers

On Mathieu Grégoire’s Les intermittents du spectacle. Enjeux d’un siècle de lutte (de 1919 à nos jours) Paris: La Dispute, 2013, 182pp.

Book Reviews

Journal article

Book Reviews

Review of Defended Theses

Journal article

Review of Defended Theses

Publication date: 11/17/2014

Uploaded: 11/26/2014

ISBN 9782707183323


Humanities and Social Sciences

Science, Technology, and Medicine

Law and Administration

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