Couverture de E_RSR_224

Journal article

From the experience of chaos to life with uncertainty

Pages 625 to 643


In a situation of uncertainty, how can people move forward, individually and collectively, to determine what seems right to do? Is it possible to take advantage of our experience of caring for and accompanying those seriously ill with covid as a fertile ground to analyze and discover what can enable us to recognize, hold out and advance in uncertainty? Within the context of health care, confronting uncertainty can lead us to a path in three stages. Firstly, it is experiencing a crisis within oneself as ‘chaos’. After that, uncertainty can be taken on. Finally, it becomes a question of living with uncertainty in an ethical perspective without attempting to make it disappear. In this article, we shall describe the different states experienced and endeavour to define the conditions favouring or hindering a gradual and smooth transition.

  • uncertainty
  • health care
  • covid
  • chaos
  • ethics
  • crisis
  • care relationship

Mots-clés éditeurs : chaos, care relationship, covid, ethics, uncertainty, health care, crisis

Mise en ligne 11/14/2022
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