Couverture de E_MOTS_122

Journal article

Subverting power: The circulation and reiteration of Egyptian revolutionary slogans

Pages 21 to 38


‪Revolutionary slogans are a specific sub-genre of the political slogan which involves rhetorical strategies designed to create a collective ethos and establish those who proclaim them as a “people”. Of this mass of slogans, many are widely circulated and reiterated, demonstrating the particular potency of these utterances. Based on a partial study of a corpus of Egyptian revolutionary slogans and their comparison with two corpora of post-revolutionary slogans, this article examines the phenomena of reiteration and quotation which are inherent in this type of discourse.‪

  • legitimacy
  • revolution
  • slogans
  • authority
  • performativity
  • quotation
  • retaliation

Publisher keywords: slogans, retaliation, performativity, quotation, revolution, legitimacy, authority

Uploaded: 03/19/2020


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