Agora débats/jeunesses

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Journal issue

Adolescent health in high school. Results of the 2014 HBSC study in France

Agora débats/jeunesses
2023/2 No 94

176 pages

Table of contents

Journal article

“It’s his money, he can do what he likes with it”

Economic socialisation and access to consumerism through pocket money

Special issue: Young people in French Overseas Territories

Journal article


Young people from Overseas France: from a political issue to an unprecedented momentum for research?

Journal article

Becoming an adult in the DOM and the DROM – later in the French West Indies than in Réunion

Journal article

Being young in Mayotte, a transition to adulthood under constraint?

Journal article

Teen pregnancies and education in French Guyana

A phenomenon that is not sufficiently taken into account and which leads to a distancing from the school institution

Journal article

The army and young people from the DOM-TOM: the case of French Polynesia

Journal article

Growing up in French Polynesia and imagining a future for oneself

The educational and professional aspirations of high school students

Journal article

Projects for mobility among young Reunionese people – a family matter



Journal article

Augustin J.-P., Gillon P., 2021, Les jeux du monde. Géopolitique de la flamme olympique, Paris, Armand Colin, 220 p.

Journal article

Bacqué M.-H., Demoulin J. (eds.), Collectif Pop-Art, 2021, Jeunes de quartier. Le pouvoir des mots, Caen, C&F éditions, 240 p., €25

Journal article

Benet J., Depoilly S. (eds.), 2022, Inégalité de genre dans l’enseignement et la formation professionnels, Villeneuve-d’Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 256 p., €23

Journal article

Paquot T., 2022, Pays de l’enfance, Vincennes, Éditions Terre urbaine, coll. “L’esprit des villes”, 251 p., €20

Translated and edited by Cadenza Academic Translations
Translator: Tom Corkett, Editor: Sophie Borresen, Senior editor: Mark Mellor

Publication date: 05/22/2023

Uploaded: 06/23/2023

ISBN 9782724640168


Humanities and Social Sciences

Science, Technology, and Medicine

Law and Administration

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