Couverture de E_AGORA_074

Article de revue

Transitions to Adulthood and Feelings of Injustice

Pages 7 à 24


This article proposes a study of the link between the feelings of injustice related to French society, experienced by young French people aged between 18 and 30, and the injustices they potentially experience during their transition to adulthood. The results presented here are based on the cross analysis of a questionnairebased study of 4000 people, as well as on 40 biographical interviews. It seems that entry into adult life –? in particular confrontation with the world of work –? is associated with an increase in feelings of injustice. But these feelings of macrosocial injustice do not systematically reflect injustices that are experienced on a personal level. They are also the result of an effort to articulate commonly shared principles of justice with an informed evaluation of inequalities that have been observed.

Date de mise en ligne : 07/10/2016


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